Yolanda Chassiakos

Dr. Yolanda S. Reid Chassiakos is the Director of the Klotz Student Health Center at California State University, Northridge, and a Clinical Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at the David Geffen School of Medicine, UCLA. She is a Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the American College of Physicians and serves on the Executive Committee of the AAP Council on Communications and Media. Dr. Chassiakos has also served as the Assistant Head of the Ambulatory Branch of the Department of Pediatrics at the Naval Hospital Bethesda, as the Project Director of the Preventive Services Initiative at the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and as the Chair of the Medical Staff at the Ashe Health and Wellness Center, UCLA. She is the co-editor of Collaboration Across the Disciplines in Health Care.