Stanley G. Weinbaum

Stanley Grauman Weinbaum (April 4, 1902-December 14, 1935) was born in Louisville, Kentucky and grew up in Milwaukee. He studied Chemical Engineering at the University of Wisconsin, Madison before switching his major to English. He left the university in 1923 without graduating. His first science fiction story, "A Martian Odyssey," was published in 1934. His promising career was cut tragically short when he died less than eighteen months later of lung cancer. Highly regarded by his peers, "A Martian Odyssey" was selected by the Science Fiction Writers of America for inclusion in The Science Fiction Hall of Fame, Vol. I. In 2008 he was selected for the Cordwainer Smith Rediscovery Award. A number of his stories were published after his death, including several that were finished by either his sister or Roger Sherman Hoar.