Shri Henkel

Shri Henkel lives in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. Her desire to write began at an early age.She has finally been able to reach the goal of seeing her books in print, under her given name and her pen name. Shri owns a Management and Marketing Consulting business and is a freelance writer and marketing professional. Shri has 21 years of business management and 16 years of marketing experience. The knowledge she gained in this work has been invaluable in creating helpful handbooks for business managers and owners. These experiences include suggestions about techniques that worked and warnings about things that didnâe(tm)t. In addition to her non fiction work, she has four novels in print under her pen name, Nikki Leigh. She is beginning work on her fifth and sixth novels and two novellas. Her love of the coast, history, and lighthouses is apparent in her stories. On a trip to Cape Ann with her brother, Chris, she discovered the area that was the perfect setting for a series of books. The rugged land, hard-working people, and rich history were too compelling to ignore. Cape Ann, Eastern Point, and Gloucester, Massachusetts are the setting for her books which focus on the âeoeStormy Viewâe lighthouse. Her first novella is set along the Outer Banks of North Carolina and is the first mystery in a series. For more information about her work, visit her fiction Web site at or her business site She also invites you to visit her and other friends at the Readers Station. This site helps readers understand more about the settings and characters that make up your favorite stories. You also have a chance to meet and talk with authors. The Web site is: