Philip C. Watkins

Philip C. Watkins has been conducting research on gratitude since 1995 and have been cited as one of the pioneers in the science of gratitude. Since 2000 he has published 11 papers on gratitude, and have presented more than 50 gratitude research papers at national, international, and regional conferences. His research has been focused on understanding the factors that cause gratitude, and how gratitude enhances subjective well-being. His work has been covered in a number of national media outlets, including Ladies Home Journal, The Washington Post, Self, Redbook, and Psychology Today. Before turning his research energies to gratitude he focused on memory processes in depression, where he still maintains some interest. This research program resulted in three articles that were published in the Journal of Abnormal Psychology. Philip Watkins completed his undergraduate education at the University of Oregon, and went on to receive his M.A. and Louisiana State University in clinical psychology. He completed his clinical internship at the University of Southern California Medical School. After joining the Psychology Department of Eastern Washington University as an assistant professor in 1990, he received early tenure and promotion to associate professor in 1995, and was promoted to full professor in 1999.