Lenore E. Walker

Lenore E.A. Walker, EdD is a Professor at Nova Southeastern University Center for Psychological Studies and Coordinator of the Clinical Forensic Psychology Concentration. She is also in the Independent Practice of Forensic Psychology. Dr. Walker specialized in work with victims of interpersonal violence particularly battered women & abused children. She earned her undergraduate degree in 1962 from CUNY Hunter College, her Masters of Science in 1967 from CUNY City College and her EdD in psychology from Rutgers, the State U in NJ. In 2004 she received a Post Doctoral Masters Degree in Clinical Psychopharmacology at NSU. She has been elected as a member of APA governance since the mid 1980's having served several terms on the APA Council of Representatives, on the Board of Directors, and President of several divisions including Division 35, the Society for the Psychology of Women; Division 42, Independent Practice; Division 46, Media Psychology, and on Boards and Committees such as the Committee on Legal Issues (COLI) and the Committee on International Relations in Psychology (CIRP).