Joe Grand

Joe Grand is the President of Grand Idea Studio, a San Diego-based product development and intellectual property licensing firm, where he specializes in the invention and design of consumer electronics, medical devices, video games, and toys. His latest creations include the Stelladaptor Atari 2600 Controller-to-USB Interface and the Emic Text-to-Speech Module. A recognized figure in computer security, Joe has testified before the United States Senate Governmental Affairs Committee and is a former member of the legendary hacker collective L0pht Heavy Industries. Joe's research on mobile devices and embedded security has been published in various periodicals, including Circuit Cellar and the Digital Investigation Journal. He is the author of many security-related software tools, including pdd, the first forensic acquisition application for Palm devices. Joe currently has a patent pending on a hardware-based computer memory imaging concept and apparatus (U.S. Patent Serial No. 10/325,506). Joe has presented his work at numerous academic, industry, and private forums, including the United States Air Force Office of Special Investigations, the Naval Postgraduate School, the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, the Embedded Systems Conference, the Black Hat Briefings, and DEFCON. He has appeared in documentaries and news for television, airplane in-flight programming, and print media outlets. He has also authored Hardware Hacking: Have Fun While Voiding Your Warranty (Syngress Publishing, ISBN: 1-932266-83-6), contributed to Stealing The Network: How to Own A Continent (Syngress, ISBN: 1-931836-05-1), and is a frequent contributor to other texts. Joe holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Engineering from Boston University.