Edward Steers Jr.

Edward Steers, Jr. (University of Pennsylvania, AB, PhD), is the leading authority on the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. He has authored eight books on Lincoln's death including Blood on the Moon, The Lincoln Assassination Conspirators, His Name is Still Mudd,, The Lincoln Assassination Encyclopedia, and Lincoln's Assassination. In addition to fourteen print books Ed has written nine eBooks (digital). He served as an advisor to the President's Lincoln Bicentennial Commission, and as a member of the West Virginia Lincoln Bicentennial Commission. Ed has appeared on numerous television and radio shows including PBS's "Morning Edition" with Bob Edwards, the Canadian Broadcasting System, PBS's "American Experience," CSPAN's "Book Notes" with Brian Lamb, The History Channel, The Discovery Channel, and the A & E network, Fox network's "Crossfire" with Robert Novak, and was interviewed by Matt Lauer on the NBC Today Show. Among the honors he has received are the "Historian of the Year" award from the Lincoln Group of the District of Columbia, the Lincoln Group of New York's "Achievement Award," and the "Lifetime Award of Achievement for Enduring Scholarship in the Field of Lincoln Research" by the Lehigh Valley Heritage Museum.