Andrea Freeman

Andrea Freeman is a naturalist, writer, poet, artist, teacher, harpist, and mystic. She is a dedicated peace activist and advocate for the rights of nature, the preservation of biodiversity, and the cultivation of compassion and expanded consciousness. She teaches field-based classes in the natural sciences and nature awareness. Awakening Wonder Edventures (AWE), a company she founded, is dedicated to teaching people of all ages about the wonders of the natural world. She enjoys taking photos of the beauty of nature and often carries a camera along on her walk-abouts. Her nature photos can be viewed at For many years she worked as an animation artist and also taught enrichment classes for children in a wide-array of subjects. Her two albums of Celtic harp music have been distributed internationally and she has played on the soundtrack for two documentary films. The DVD she produced, called H2Ode, which is a poetic and pictorial celebration of water and all the roles it plays on our beautiful blue planet is being utilized in environmental education programs in the schools. Her poetry has been published in the United States and in Europe. Much of her poetry is inspired by nature and her experiences in the natural world. She has a BA in the Humanities and a Master of Science degree in Natural History and Writing. She holds a black-belt in Aikido. Her first book, The Infinite Song, which she wrote and illustrated, was the winner of multiple literary awards including the International Book Award and the Gold Medal Award from USA Best Books.She lives in Woodacre, California.