Cyrus Chu

C. Y. Cyrus Chu received his PhD in economics from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. In 1985 Dr Chu joined the faculty of Economics of the National Taiwan University, he is also currently Distinguished Research Fellow of the Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica. His research interests include demographic economics, family economics, public finance, and economic analysis of law. His publications include Population Dynamics: A New Economic Approach (OUP, 1998) and numerous articles in professional journals including American Economic Review, Journal of Political Economy, Demography, and Economica. Dr. Chu now serves as an editorial board member of five professional international journals. In 1998, Dr. Chu was elected as the then youngest Academician of Academia Sinica. In 2003, he was granted the Presidential Science Award of Taiwan, and is still the only recipient of this award in social science and humanities in Taiwan. Ruoh-Rong Yu received her PhD in economics from the National Taiwan University. In 2003, she joined the Centre for Survey Research of Academia Sinica as an associate fellow. Her research interests include family economics, labour economics, and survey research. Her articles have been published in professional journals including Sociology of Education, Social Science Research, Population and Development Review, and the Journal of Theoretical Biology. She has participated in the establishment of some nation-wide survey projects of Taiwan, which include the Panel Study of Family Dynamics, Taiwan Genomic Survey, and Social Capital Survey.