Until Death Do Us Part

Latest release: November 22, 2016

About this ebook series

Haruka Touyama is a twelve-year-old girl with incredible precognitive abilites. But her accuracy in predicting the future has made her a target for any number of greedy corporations that would use her power for their own profits. After she is taken from her family, Haruka uses her gift to seek out someone who can help her escape her captors and fixes upon a blind man making his way through the busy streets of Tokyo. Though it may seem an odd choice, Haruka's powers have not led her wrong. Despite his inability to see, her chosen protector's fighting skills become apparent when he draws a sword from his walking stick and takes out a corporation's thugs. Haruka knows she will always be pursued and begs the mystery swordsman to keep her safe..."until death do us part."
Until Death Do Us Part
Vol 1 · Apr 2014 ·
Haruka Touyama is a twelve-year-old girl with incredible precognitive abilites. But her accuracy in predicting the future has made her a target for any number of greedy corporations that would use her power for their own profits. After she is taken from her family, Haruka uses her gift to seek out someone who can help her escape her captors and fixes upon a blind man making his way through the busy streets of Tokyo. Though it may seem an odd choice, Haruka's powers have not led her wrong. Despite hisinability to see, her chosen protector's fighting skills become apparent when he draws a sword from his walking stick and takes out a corporation's thugs. Haruka knows she will always be pursued and begs the mystery swordsman to keep her safe..."until death do us part."
Until Death Do Us Part
Vol 2 · Apr 2014 ·
Haruka Touyama is a twelve-year-old girl with incredible precognitive abilites. But her accuracy in predicting the future has made her a target for any number of greedy corporations that would use her power for their own profits. After she is taken from her family, Haruka uses her gift to seek out someone who can help her escape her captors and fixes upon a blind man making his way through the busy streets of Tokyo. Though it may seem an odd choice, Haruka's powers have not led her wrong. Despite hisinability to see, her chosen protector's fighting skills become apparent when he draws a sword from his walking stick and takes out a corporation's thugs. Haruka knows she will always be pursued and begs the mystery swordsman to keep her safe..."until death do us part."
Until Death Do Us Part
Vol 3 · Apr 2014 ·
Haruka and Mamoru take to the streets, fleeing the deadly invisible enemy that pursues them. With Mamoru wounded and his sword blunted, Haruka fears that prolonging this fight will only end with her protector's destruction. But Mamoru has not been relying on his strength alone. Igawa has been working behind the scenes to counter the assassin's drones...but is the pair's technical expert up to the task of disabling government-grade weaponry? Or has Igawa met his match in the world-class hit man, Fang?!
Until Death Do Us Part
Vol 4 · Apr 2014 ·
Officer Genda's suspicions that Mamoru is involved in the Haruka Tooyama case are confirmed when he confronts the blind man in the park on the night of the operation. Genda manages to hold his own against the master swordsman, but Mamoru isn't of a mind to show his cards to the police and makes a quick getaway. Despite the officer's interference, the mission is a success-whispered, fearful rumors of the Tokyo swordsman are beginning to spread. Who will be drawn out to test Mamoru next?!
Until Death Do Us Part
Vol 5 · Apr 2014 ·
Caught in Wiseman's trap, besieged on all sides by snipers and drug-crazed attackers, Mamoru is saved only by the arrival of Haruka and a stroke of good fortune. Frustrated by his own helplessness, Mamoru abandons the Element Network to further hone his skills. He can't rely on luck alone if he wants to survive his next encounter with Wiseman...
Until Death Do Us Part
Vol 6 · May 2014 ·
(Volume 1) Haruka Touyama is a twelve-year-old girl with incredible precognitive abilites. But her accuracy in predicting the future has made her a target for any number of greedy corporations that would use her power for their own profits. After she is taken from her family, Haruka uses her gift to seek out someone who can help her escape her captors and fixes upon a blind man making his way through the busy streets of Tokyo. Though it may seem an odd choice, Haruka's powers have not led her wrong. Despite hisinability to see, her chosen protector's fighting skills become apparent when he draws a sword from his walking stick and takes out a corporation's thugs. Haruka knows she will always be pursued and begs the mystery swordsman to keep her safe..."until death do us part."
Until Death Do Us Part
Vol 8 · Jan 2015 ·
Haruka has begun school again, nestled among Jesus's forces at Aitou Academy. The teaching staff should deter most groups from making a move against Haruka, but stronger organizations could still pose a threat no matter where she hides. Seven warriors of Galboa's most elite unit have already announced their intentions to seize Haruka by force. Jesus may be able to cut off the attackers before they enter the school, but not if one has already made it inside--the operative called "Invisible" seems to be just what his codename boasts...! It's unseen vs. unseeing as Mamoru takes on Galboa's intruders!
Until Death Do Us Part
Vol 9 · May 2015 ·
Mamoru has surrendered himself to the elite seven-man unit the Trumps. Tied up and unarmed, his odds of survival are looking grim. In spite of this, Mamoru stubbornly holds up under the enemy's interrogation...until Haruka herself is captured in the middle of his torment! Under the most desperate circumstances imaginable, the battle erupts: Mamoru vs. the Trumps!!
Until Death Do Us Part
Vol 10 · Sep 2015 ·
As their conflict with the Trumps reaches its conclusion, Mamoru again proves himself to be a master tactician. Haruka feels like she's not worthy to stand beside such a capable defender, especially after what he said the last time they spoke...
Until Death Do Us Part
Vol 11 · Jan 2016 ·
Trained by the same master, Mamoru Hijikata and Teppei Genda are both men driven ruthlessly to pursue justice from opposite ends of the spectrum. Where Genda serves the laws of society, Mamoru dishes out his own brand of retribution. The past has left a gulf between these warriors seemingly impossible to bridge, but there always comes a reckoning...
Until Death Do Us Part
Vol 12 · May 2016 ·
Mamoru, teaming up with his old nemesis, Wiseman, leads the Black Unit into Duhana in a plot to assassinate "Mr. Darkside"--Zashid Turus, secret ruler of Galboa and Duhana. At the same time, Haruka steers her new team of elite fighters from the Element Network, to Duhana in order to stop Mamoru! But just what is Zashid Turus's ultimate goal...and how does it involve Haruka?! The greatest battle begins to unfold!
Until Death Do Us Part
Vol 13 · Nov 2016 ·
The battle against Zashid Turus, the most deadly foe in the world, has begun, and though Mamoru has a plan up his sleeve, he may be heading toward possible death... A superhuman demon of war versus a blind demon of the blade...When two monsters collide, who will cross the line of death?!