An Alpine Grove Romantic Comedy

Latest release: November 1, 2019

About this ebook series

 Kat Stevens is a slightly insecure, mostly bored technical writer who likes her cat a lot more than her boss. She hasn't laid eyes on her great aunt Abigail since she was eight, so she’s stumped when she inherits Abigail's house in the small hamlet of Alpine Grove.

Kat's uncomplicated life gets decidedly less so when she discovers the inheritance comes with some hairy conditions: four dogs and five cats that her aunt wanted her to love as her own. Of course, the house smells like a barn--with a touch of antique skunk--and, naturally, has serious roof issues. And that's before the three-legged cat gets stuck in the wall and the shower goes kablooey.

When Kat meets Joel, an unemployed techie type with no love lost for his sister, Kat looks past his obvious flaws, given his timely and desirable skill set: a talent for fixing things (and his own tools).

Despite out-of-control dogs, cat fights, dust dinosaurs, massive spiders and an old grizzled hippie passed out in the yard, Kat discovers the tranquility of the forests of Alpine Grove starting to seep into her soul.

And why she can't she stop thinking about Joel?

Chez Stinky
Book 1 · Jul 2013 ·
 Kat Stevens is a slightly insecure, mostly bored technical writer who likes her cat a lot more than her boss. She hasn't laid eyes on her great aunt Abigail since she was eight, so she’s stumped when she inherits Abigail's house in the small hamlet of Alpine Grove.

Kat's uncomplicated life gets decidedly less so when she discovers the inheritance comes with some hairy conditions: four dogs and five cats that her aunt wanted her to love as her own. Of course, the house smells like a barn--with a touch of antique skunk--and, naturally, has serious roof issues. And that's before the three-legged cat gets stuck in the wall and the shower goes kablooey.

When Kat meets Joel, an unemployed techie type with no love lost for his sister, Kat looks past his obvious flaws, given his timely and desirable skill set: a talent for fixing things (and his own tools).

Despite out-of-control dogs, cat fights, dust dinosaurs, massive spiders and an old grizzled hippie passed out in the yard, Kat discovers the tranquility of the forests of Alpine Grove starting to seep into her soul.

And why she can't she stop thinking about Joel?

Fuzzy Logic
Book 2 · Jun 2014 ·
Librarian Jan Carpenter likes things just so. Nestled in her tidy little cottage on the outskirts of the small hamlet of Alpine Grove, she enjoys her quiet life with her friendly, rotund black lab, Rosa.

Jan's orderly life is turned upside down when she attends her mother's latest wedding in San Diego. (Number six...or maybe seven, but who's counting?) There, Jan encounters Michael Lawson, the obnoxious neighbor kid from twenty years ago. He's still irritating, but not as annoying as his dog who has a habit of eating...everything. The last thing Jan wants to do is risk heartache on a vacation fling with a smooth-talking serial dater, even if he is sinfully gorgeous and finds her unusual ability to remember obscure facts fascinating.

Amidst wardrobe destruction, canine digestive indiscretions, and episodes of extreme mortification, Jan's desire to avoid drama may put the brakes on her fiery attraction to Michael. But maybe being cautious and responsible isn't all it's cracked up to be.

Note: Fuzzy Logic is a full-length novel (300 pages/80,000 words) that is Book #2 of the Alpine Grove Romantic Comedies. It's a feel-good novel that appeals to people who enjoy a little light romance and quirky animal stories. 

The Art of Wag
Book 3 · Oct 2014 ·
With the exception of a few failed forays into higher education, Tracy Sullivan has lived her entire life in the small town of Alpine Grove. When she is fired from her hostess job, Tracy hits a new all-time career low. Now she’s officially a repeat underachiever and almost completely broke. The income from her second job as a veterinary assistant is barely enough to pay her rent and keep her temperamental dachshund Roxy in dog food.

Desperate for a change of scene, Tracy splurges on a digital art class in the city where she meets Rob Thompson, a geeky computer networking guy who wants a new career as much as she does. After seeing her illustrations, he offers Tracy a temporary job, but adding “starving artist” to her dubious list of achievements doesn’t seem wise. Against her better judgment, Tracy takes on the project. But then everything goes haywire and Tracy may never look at her ancient car, fungi, or Rob the same way again.

Snow Furries
Book 4 · Dec 2014 ·
After a life-altering setback destroys Rebecca Mackenzie's career, she jumps at the chance to start over as a real estate appraisal trainee in her uncle's office. Although a job change had been in order, being the new kid did have some downsides, including being forced to do a rush appraisal in the small town of Alpine Grove over Thanksgiving weekend.

Map reading has never been her strong suit, and Becca's navigational skills are pushed to the limit in a town that doesn't believe in road signs. When the supposed-to-be flurries turn out to be a record-setting blizzard, the trip literally goes downhill after Becca's car slides nose-down off the road into a ditch. Accompanied by his huge mountain dog, a scruffy stranger wearing a massive coat with dozens of pockets drags Becca to safety. In the darkness of a small log cabin in the woods, Becca confesses far too many secrets to Jack Sheridan. Sure, if she'd known she'd end up trapped in the middle of nowhere with a guy named Jack, she never would have watched that scary movie. But maybe Jack isn't such a dull boy after all.

Bark to the Future
Book 5 · Feb 2015 ·
Growing up in the small town of Alpine Grove, Beth Connelly was the weird, shy kid who hid in the back room of her mother's bookstore. But all that study time led to being the class of 1985 valedictorian, a college scholarship, and a dream job offer in Arizona. Ten years later, her life is almost perfect. But not for long.

Beth returns to Alpine Grove after an unfortunate series of events, just in time for the 10-year high school reunion she vowed not to attend. But her vow is no match for a sneaky former cheerleader who tricks her into going. While she's there, she runs into the one person she hoped to never see again: Drew Emery. Drew is just as easy to talk to as ever, and maybe she shouldn't have said all those terrible things to him so long ago. But everyone deserves a second chance, right? 

Howl at the Loon
Book 6 · Jul 2015 ·
For Robin Sanders, her new job and the employee discount at the Eagle River catalog is great for her closet, but bad for her wallet. Mostly, she deals with purchase orders and merchandise lists, so she can't figure out why the CEO selects her to set up a corporate retreat at his family lodge in the small town of Alpine Grove.

When she arrives, Robin discovers that the North Fork Lodge is falling apart, the owner is missing, and the team building guy has a Batman fixation. Mediating employee disputes and dispelling local rumors about a cranky resident ghost put Robin's diplomatic skills to the test. Alec Montgomery, yanked from the executive suite and tasked with doing training, isn't any happier than Robin about being in Alpine Grove. Yet together they uncover mysteries about the lodge and themselves that they never anticipated.

The Good, the Bad, and the Pugly
Book 7 · Aug 2015 ·
After a freak shopping cart accident, Brigid Fitzpatrick takes stock of her life and wonders what happened. Determined to reinvent herself, Brigid sells off everything and rents a cottage in the small town of Alpine Grove. Thanks to her military widow's pension, she can take a much-needed summer vacation.

Armed with piles of self-improvement books, Brigid sets out to rebuild her life. When she adopts a sweet little dog named Gypsy, Brigid finds out Gypsy isn't the only homeless dog in Alpine Grove. Compelled to help animals with nowhere to go, Brigid forges a plan when compassionate horse trainer, Clayton Hadley agrees to help. Forced to face deep-seated fears, Brigid finds herself intrigued by Clay's uncanny insights. Plus, how often do you get to meet a real life cowboy?

The Treasure of the Hairy Cadre
Book 8 · Jan 2016 ·
For elementary school teacher Sara Winston, being a camp counselor is the ideal summer job, if only she can pass the canoe test. As a former all-star athlete Sara knows she needs to practice, so she heads out on a solo excursion to hone her paddling skills. A sudden lightning storm drives her to shore, and while waiting out the deluge, she encounters a bedraggled man who is definitely not rainwater fresh.

Zack Flanagan looks like a soggy, sweaty pirate, so when he reveals stories of hidden treasure, Sara is convinced he's a harmless nut case. But when someone steals Sara's canoe leaving them stranded in a remote uninhabited area miles from anywhere, she considers the possibility that Zack might not be so crazy after all. Someone else might be after the treasure--and them.

The Luck of the Paw
Book 9 · Apr 2016 ·
After years of lousy luck, karma finally gives Mia Riggins a break. The arrival of a mysterious package of postcards and lottery tickets results in a sudden windfall that makes it possible for her to finally abandon her dead-end job and the dreary industrial area where she grew up. Accompanied by her digestively challenged dog Gizmo, Mia sets out on a road trip to find a new life--preferably a better one.

While changing a flat tire along the shore of a stunning lake, she meets architect Chris Blanchard who seems oddly familiar. After driving hundreds of miles to escape her past, Mia has managed to encounter the only person in the tiny town of Alpine Grove who remembers her as Amanita, the bizarre "poisonous mushroom girl" from high school. What were the odds? Probably about the same as winning the lottery.

Daydream Retriever
Book 10 · Oct 2016 ·
To Lisa Lowell, it seems like her life is defined by all the things she isn't anymore. She's not a world-class skier, not a wife, not a full-time mother, and not even a patient striving to get well. So who is she now? When her brother asks Lisa to help her family, she can't find an excuse not to flee her empty nest and return to her hometown of Alpine Grove. Tasked with remodeling her parents bizarre old house and preparing it for sale, Lisa confronts personal failures and memories she's avoided for years.

At the local ski resort, Lisa ends up on a collision course with Pete Harmon, a retired cop fighting his own battles with the past. As Lisa contends with a disobedient foster dog, aggravating contractors, and the demands of her nutty great aunt Betty, she discovers that being accident-prone may not be the only thing she has in common with Pete. 

The Hound of Music
Book 11 · Jan 2018 ·
Tess Mitchell would love to give her regards to Broadway, but so far that plan isn't working out. After bungling countless auditions, Tess returns to her home town of Alpine Grove where her only fans are her cats: John, Paul, George, and Ringo. Although selling advertising may not satisfy her thespian aspirations, it pays the rent--if only she could find a place willing to accept the Fab Four.

While careening down a dirt road, Tess almost slams into a massive road grader. The driver is none other than Luke Bennett with his dog Barney riding shotgun. Tess hasn't spoken to Luke since he broke her best friend's heart, but in a small town, you always seem to run into the last person you want to see. Luke has a solution to her housing problem if Tess is willing to put up with a few inconveniences like squirrel-obsessed squatters who have cut holes in the walls.

When Tess learns that the beloved Grove Theater is destined for the wrecking ball, she joins the crusade to preserve the historic icon. While working to save the theater, Tess learns more about Luke and the talents he's forsaken. Could saving the theater salvage both of their dreams for the future?

The Last Train to Barksville
Book 12 · Sep 2018 ·
Carly Buchanan's "happily ever after" takes a nosedive when, after fifteen years of un-wedded devotion to the man now nicknamed "Captain Prickard," he boots her from their home so his new girlfriend can move in. At least Carly still has her sweet dog, Trixie.

In need of moral support, Carly invites her sister and two college friends to join her at a lake house near the small town of Alpine Grove. The tranquil escape turns complex when Carly and her friends discover a stray dog that's just had puppies. After enlisting the help of reluctant next-door neighbor, Brent Michaelson, the women set out to rescue the pups.

Brent has retreated to his family's lake cabin to overcome a creative block that threatens to derail his art career. The last thing he needs is his refuge to be overrun by a rambunctious litter of noisy, spotted puppies. But who can resist puppies in need?

As secrets are revealed, Carly's summer vacation might not be the self-reflective interlude she expected, but maybe a little furry chaos, intrigue, and romance is exactly what she needs.

Who's Afraid of Virginia's Woof?
Book 13 · Apr 2019 ·
Tori Merrill detests Halloween. All the fake blood, creepy crawlies, and ghastly ghoulies make her squeamish. But as a partner in a new candy business, Halloween is a holiday she can't ignore. When her partners encourage her to attend the local Haunted Barn event and hand out candy samples to trick-or-treaters, against her better judgment, she agrees. But first, she has to convince someone to care for her spoiled, cranky dog, Ginny--preferably someone who has never heard Ginny bark.

Scarred by long-ago events, Dale Holbrook has made a point of avoiding anything to do with his family's toy business with two exceptions: he voices the company mascot, Harvey the Penguin, and he helps with the Haunted Barn because it benefits his family's charitable foundation.

Decked out in a grotesquely pink Little Bo Peep outfit at the Haunted Barn, Tori crashes headlong into Robin Hood, Zorro, and Holbrook family dramas. Amid grisly gnomes, creepy clowns, chainsaw-wielding zombies, and barfing dragons, Tori confronts her long-held beliefs about Halloween, hoop skirts, truth, and love.

Yowliday Inn
Book 14 · Nov 2019 ·
Since the accident that killed her fiancé, Erin Quinn's life has been on hold. Locked in grief, she's in no mood to embrace holiday cheer, but she runs out of excuses to avoid her family when her parents send her a plane ticket so she can spend the holidays with them in Alpine Grove.

Erin hasn't been back to her hometown in more than two decades. And she never tells anyone that until she was twelve she lived in a hippie commune with no electricity or indoor plumbing. The years at the Dancing Cedars commune was a drama-filled part of her past she's worked hard to forget.

When her childhood friend Dylan Bryant picks Erin up at the airport, the past starts to catch up with her. Since the commune disbanded, he's been working at his family's Christmas tree farm, a place chock full of elves, twinkle lights, questionable baked goods, and family crises. Sure, he might be three feet taller than the last time she saw him, but Dylan's offbeat personality hasn't changed. Neither has his ability to see through her defenses.

At an eccentric Thanksgiving gathering, everyone discovers the old Hodgepodge Lodge at Dancing Cedars is filthy and overrun with feral cats--and maybe a skunk. Against her better judgment, Erin agrees to help Dylan clean up and repair the abandoned log structure, which has more holes than a cheese grater.

In between bizarre dreams filled with oversized Santa possums and jingle bears, Erin reconnects with Dylan and finds herself increasingly drawn to the timeless serenity and beauty of the Dancing Cedars property. But when a developer makes a play for the land, they might need a miracle to save it.