Stella and Sam

Latest release: June 15, 2020

About this ebook series

"I'll help you get dressed," said Stella.

"No," said Sam. "I can do it by myself."

But Sam takes a roundabout route to getting dressed and, as usual, his big sister Stella is there to help ... but this time Sam has the last laugh. Vibrant and humorous, Marie-Louise Gay's stories and pictures explore the endearing, intimate scenes of young childhood.

Good Morning, Sam
Book 1 · Jun 2020 ·
"I'll help you get dressed," said Stella.

"No," said Sam. "I can do it by myself."

But Sam takes a roundabout route to getting dressed and, as usual, his big sister Stella is there to help ... but this time Sam has the last laugh. Vibrant and humorous, Marie-Louise Gay's stories and pictures explore the endearing, intimate scenes of young childhood.

Stella, Princess of the Sky
Book 2 · May 2020 ·
Another adventure begins in this book in the Stella and Sam series as the pair explores the wonders of the natural world. A vast luminous sky, the sun, the stars and the rising moon form the backdrop for their nocturnal expedition. As they encounter raccoons, fireflies, tree frogs and bats, Sam wonders if the moon can swim, if the sun wears pajamas or if he can catch shooting stars with his butterfly net. Stella, as always, has an answer for every question.

Marie-Louise Gay's whimsical prose and enchanting illustrations capture the joys of young children making their first discoveries of the world around them.
Stella, Fairy of the Forest
Book 3 · May 2020 ·
Stella's little brother Sam wonders whether fairies are invisible. Stella assures him that she has seen hundreds of them and that if she and Sam venture across the meadow and into the forest, they are likely to find some.

So begins another adventure in the Stella and Sam series about the irrepressible red-head, and her slightly apprehensive little brother.

Stella, Queen of the Snow
Book 4 · May 2020 ·
Winner of the Elizabeth Mrazik-Cleaver Award

Stella and her little brother, Sam, are spending the day playing in the snow. The forest, snowballs, snow angels and the mysterious white stuff itself provide fuel for Sam's questions and Stella's answers as they discover the world of winter together.

Exquisite, evocative watercolors bring a snowy day alive and make this a wonderful winter story. Gently humorous, the book also captures the relationship between an older sister and her little brother -- a fun yet sometimes trying responsibility. Stella and Sam explore the wonders of snow with the same magic that they bring to all their adventures.

Stella, Star of the Sea
Book 5 · May 2020 ·
Stella and her little brother are spending the day at the sea. Stella has been to the sea before and knows all its secrets, but Sam has many questions: "Does a catfish purr? Does a seahorse gallop?" Stella has an answer for them all. The only thing she isn't sure of, and neither are we, is whether Sam will ever come into the water.

Exquisite, evocative watercolors bring a diaphanous day at the beach alive in this perfect summer story. Gently humorous, Stella, Star of the Sea also captures the relationship between an older sister and her baby brother — a responsibility that can be both lots of fun and very trying.
Good Night, Sam
Book 6 · Jun 2020 ·
"Stella," whispered Sam, "are you sleeping?"

"Yes," answered Stella. "Aren't you?"

Sam can't sleep without his beloved dog, Fred. But where could he be? Sam knows that Fred is afraid of the dark, of the monster that lives in the closet and of the giant toad that lurks downstairs. Luckily, Stella is there to reassure Sam as they search everywhere.
Read Me a Story, Stella
Book 7 · May 2020 ·
In the first new Stella book in four years — in a series that has sold two million copies in ten languages — Stella introduces little brother Sam to the pleasures of reading. Sam is as busy and worried as ever, and Stella almost always has her nose in a book these days, but she finds time to help him out, while sharing her new pastime with contagious enthusiasm.

Sam has gathered a wagonload of branches to build a doghouse for Fred, and he wonders if the book Stella is reading tells you how to make one. It doesn't (although it is very funny), but Stella is more than willing to give Sam a hand. As soon as the doghouse is built though, Sam worries that a wolf might come along and blow it down. Stella breezily banishes his fears, suggesting a picnic at Lily Pond. Stella cools her feet in the water, reading a story, while Sam tries to catch a frog. Are there frogs in Stella's book, he wonders. No, Stella tells him, but there is a toad wearing a velvet jacket...

With her characteristically light touch, Marie-Louise Gay imparts the pleasures and importance of reading to her young audience, whether it be humor, fiction, nonfiction or poetry. Her detailed, beautifully rendered and often-amusing watercolor illustrations (spot the tiny bunny reading a book!) show yet again that Marie-Louise Gay is one of the very best artists creating picture books today.

What Are You Doing, Sam?
Book 10 · Jun 2020 ·
"What are you doing, Sam?" calls Stella.

Sam and his dog, Fred, are creating joyful havoc throughout the house. Be it snorkeling in the bathtub, teaching Fred to read or roll over, or cooking up a pancake feast, they are having a marvelous time. Of course, Stella joins in the fun as she observes the inventive antics of Sam and his beloved companion.

In this wonderful addition to the Stella and Sam series, Marie-Louise Gay has created another charming picture book. Delicate watercolors, full of expression and humor, bring her delightful story to life.