Angelbound Origins

Latest release: June 27, 2023

About this ebook series

The story of Myla Lewis, a part-demon girl who fights evil souls in Purgatory's Arena.
Angelbound: Action. Adventure. Fantasy. Badassdom.
Book 1 · May 2019 ·
***Special Anniversary Edition With Bonus Story: Walker’s Love Connection***

Eighteen-year-old Myla Lewis is a girl who loves two things: kicking ass and kicking ass. She’s not your every day quasi-demon, part-demon and part-human, girl.

For the past five years, Myla has lived for the days she gets to fight in Purgatory’s arena. When souls want a trial by combat for their right to enter Heaven or Hell, they go up against her, and she hasn’t lost a battle yet. But as she starts her senior year at Purgatory High, the arena fights aren’t enough to keep her spirits up anymore. When the demons start to act weird, even for demons, and the King of the Demons, Armageddon, shows up at Myla’s school, she knows that things are changing and it’s not looking good for the quasi-demons.

Myla starts to question everything, and doesn’t like the answers she finds.

What happened seventeen years ago that turned the quasi-demons into slave labor? Why was her mom always so sad? And why won’t anyone tell her who her father is? Things heat up when Myla meets Lincoln, the High Prince of the Thrax, a super sexy part-human and part-angel demon hunter. But what’s a quasi-demon girl to do when she falls for a demon hunter? It’s a good thing that Myla’s not afraid of breaking a few rules. With a love worth fighting for, Myla’s going to shake up Purgatory.


-BUH BYE, AI...this book’s written by an actual human

-NO MONOTONE AUDIO…the author reads her stuff and does all the voices

-NEW WORLDS, EVERY TIME…this story introduces the after realms

-PLUS, KICK-ASS HEROINES…complete with sassy mouths, steamy kisses and killer right hooks

Angelbound Origins

In which Myla Lewis kicks ass and takes names

1. Angelbound

2. Scala

3. Acca

4. Thrax

5. The Dark Lands

6. The Brutal Time

7. Armageddon

8. Quasi Redux

9. Clockwork Igni

10. Lady Reaper

Scala: Action. Adventure. Fantasy. Badassdom.
Book 2 · May 2019 ·
***Anniversary Edition With Bonus Images and Epilogue***

Nineteen-year-old Myla Lewis has transformed into Great Scala, the only being with the power to move souls out of Purgatory and into Heaven or Hell. Trouble is, a magical object called Lucifer’s Orb is limiting Myla’s abilities. If she tries to move a soul, the Orb’s forcing her to send that spirit straight to Hell.

So, what’s a girl to do? Send innocents to the fiery down-under?

No way. Myla’s gone on a supernatural strike.

No souls go anywhere until the Orb’s history. It’s the right thing to do, but Purgatory’s Soul Storage buildings are turning into time bombs. No spirits are moving out, while millions keep coming in. Myla’s determined to find the Orb and send the innocent to Heaven, but she’s running out of time. Soon, the containment fields will burst, releasing a mob of homicidal ghosts.

With Soul Storage ready to explode, Myla’s got enough on her plate without her old enemy, Lady Adair, causing problems. Adair is launching an ingenious campaign to take away everything that Myla holds dear, including Myla’s Angelbound love, Prince Lincoln.

Between their clever ideas and toe-curling kisses, Myla and Lincoln are fighting back. But will they beat the clock or lose everything to Adair’s devious schemes?

Angelbound Origins

In which Myla Lewis kicks ass and takes names.

1. Angelbound

2. Scala

3. Acca

4. Thrax

5. The Dark Lands

6. The Brutal Time

7. Armageddon

8. Quasi Redux

9. Clockwork Igni

10. Lady Reaper

11. Reaper Games

12. Angry Gods

13. Phantom Corsair

Perfect for teen and young adult readers who want their book series to deliver: badass world building, angels, demons, paranormal romance, fresh themes from contemporary fiction, LOL romantic comedy, gods and goddesses, dark fantasy, strong girls and women as heroines, themes about loners and outcasts, the best laughs in humorous literature, general coming of age whackery, and (most importantly) truly unusual epic fantasy.

Acca: Action. Adventure. Fantasy. Badassdom.
Book 3 · Jun 2019 ·
"The third book in the series is a must read! From the nonstop action, to the snark, to the comical antics of Myla's tail, to Myla's hot-and-heavy (and frequently interrupted) inner lust demon... this book is definitely going on my keeper shelf!" - The Novel Lady Blog

In just one week, supernatural warrior Myla Lewis must discover enough evidence to send the evil House of Acca to prison… or she’ll end up in jail herself, along with her fiancé, Prince Lincoln. No pressure.

To gather proof, Myla and Lincoln go undercover at an all-girl’s high school on Earth. Lincoln acts as the new gym teacher; Myla becomes the school’s least popular transfer student ever. To stop them from getting the goods, Acca releases Hell on Earth. Literally. Good thing Myla and Lincoln aren’t afraid of a tough fight. This one promises to be the hardest yet. After all, who ever said high school wasn’t hell?

"This was the perfect continuation of an amazing series." - Don't Judge, Read

Angelbound Origins

In which Myla Lewis kicks ass and takes names.

1. Angelbound

2. Scala

3. Acca

4. Thrax

5. The Dark Lands

6. The Brutal Time

7. Armageddon

8. Quasi Redux

9. Clockwork Igni


-BUH BYE, AI...this book’s written by an actual human

-NO MONOTONE AUDIO…the author reads her stuff and does all the voices

-NEW WORLDS, EVERY TIME…this story explores all-new aspects of thrax life

-PLUS, KICK-ASS HEROINES…complete with sassy mouths, steamy kisses and killer right hooks

Thrax: Action. Adventure. Fantasy. Badassdom.
Book 4 · Sep 2017 ·
***Special Anniversary Edition With Bonus Story***

Myla Lewis has married Prince Lincoln, and now they’re expecting! All the after-realms rejoice. Myla should be happy too, but she has a serious problem. The day after their honeymoon ended, Myla’s real husband disappeared.

The man who’s sharing her bed is an imposter.

Myla tries explaining about “Evil Lincoln,” but no one will listen. The reason? People think that Myla’s supernatural pregnancy is making her cray cray. Mostly because that’s what Evil Lincoln is telling everyone, and that man’s a great liar. What a creep.

There’s no way Myla will take this lying down, though. She’s going to rescue her man.

The good news? Myla has a pretty good idea where Lincoln's being held. With her best friend, Cissy, along to help, Myla sneaks off to Earth. All she has to do is blend in with the humans, avoid Evil Lincoln, and find her real man before the baby arrives. How hard can it be?

Perfect for readers who love young adult fantasy books with romance, action, adventure, and one-of-a-kind world building. Oh, and demons. Lots of demons.

Angelbound Origins

In which Myla Lewis kicks ass and takes names

1. Angelbound

2. Scala

3. Acca

4. Thrax

5. The Dark Lands

6. The Brutal Time

7. Armageddon

8. Quasi Redux

9. Clockwork Igni

10. Lady Reaper

The Dark Lands: Action. Adventure. Fantasy. Badassdom.
Book 5 · Sep 2018 ·
***Now with an extended bonus audiobook, Wedding Bells***

Nineteen-year-old Myla Lewis is loving life--she’s now a wife, mother, and Queen of the Thrax. Oh yeah, and being a super-powerful demigoddess who moves souls into Heaven or Hell doesn’t suck, either. In fact, everything is pretty much awesome. Until something craptastic happens.

Her honorary older brother Walker enters the Dark Lands, home to the rule-loving ghouls, and vanishes without a trace.

Now it’s up to Myla to solve the mystery of Walker’s disappearance. Of course, Myla likes interacting with ghouls about as much as elective dental surgery. To make matters harder, everyone thinks that Walker is simply taking a well-deserved vacation. But Myla and her Angelbound love, Lincoln, both suspect that a new criminal called the Viper took Walker in order to release Lucifer, the ex-King of the Angels and bloodthirsty killer.

Long story short, Myla and Lincoln have only twenty four hours to rescue their good friend and stop Lucifer from taking over the after-realms. Even for them, this may be a too-tall order, especially when Lucifer's mysterious past with Myla's father threatens the very future of the after-realms.

Perfect for readers who love young adult fantasy books with romance, action, adventure, and one-of-a-kind worldbuilding. Oh, and demons. Lots of demons.

Angelbound Origins

In which Myla Lewis kicks ass and takes names. Nuff said.

1. Angelbound

2. Scala

3. Acca

4. Thrax

5. The Dark Lands

6. The Brutal Time

7. Armageddon

8. Quasi Redux

9. Clockwork Igni

10. Lady Reaper

The Brutal Time: Action. Adventure. Fantasy. Badassdom.
Book 6 · Oct 2019 ·
***Anniversary Edition with Bonus Story: Barbie Doll Death Match***

As the Great Scala, Myla Lewis is the only being who can move Purgatory’s souls to Heaven or Hell. It’s a big job. Too bad Myla goes through assistants faster than a hot knife through brownies. Not that it bothers her much; Myla’s always been a solo fighter.

Then comes the problem of the fading angels. Millions of Heavenly residents are dying. According to a prophecy, the only way Myla can save them is by traveling back in time, meeting King Arthur, and creating her own knights of the round table. The catch? Doing so might end the after-realms in a bloody demonpocalypse.


Myla and her main squeeze, Lincoln, aren’t afraid of taking a few chances (in between kisses). But this time the stakes may be too high, even for them. And the biggest challenge of all? Finding those knights.

Because Myla Lewis doesn’t play well with others. At all.

Perfect for readers who love young adult fantasy books with romance, action, adventure, and one-of-a-kind worldbuilding. Oh, and demons. Lots of demons.


About a quasi (part demon and part human) girl who loves kicking butt in Purgatory's Arena

1. Angelbound

2. Scala

3. Acca

4. Thrax

5. The Dark Lands

6. The Brutal Time

7. Armageddon

8. Quasi Redux

9. Clockwork Igni

10. Lady Reaper

Armageddon: Action. Adventure. Fantasy. Badassdom.
Book 7 · May 2019 ·
***WARNING – In this fantasy series, Myla Lewis kicks ass, takes names, and sasses off. Often in that order.***

Years have passed since Myla Lewis last fought gladiator-style in Purgatory's Arena. Now, she’s fighting again, only this time in Hell. And the stakes have never been higher. The demon King of Hell, Armageddon, has kidnapped Myla and Lincoln’s young son, Maxon.

In the wake of Maxon’s abduction, all the after-realms are calling for war, and no one shouts louder than Lincoln. Myla knows that a war against Hell will cost millions of lives, so she devises her own plan, involving a small attack team and a secret entrance to Hell. Will Myla save Maxon, or will her child--and all the after-realms--fall to Armageddon?

Perfect for readers who love young adult fantasy books with romance, action, adventure, and one-of-a-kind worldbuilding. Oh, and demons. Lots of demons.

Angelbound Origins

In which Myla Lewis kicks ass and takes names

1. Angelbound

2. Scala

3. Acca

4. Thrax

5. The Dark Lands

6. The Brutal Time

7. Armageddon

8. Quasi Redux

9. Clockwork Igni

10. Lady Reaper

Quasi Redux: Action. Adventure. Fantasy. Badassdom.
Book 8 · Sep 2020 ·
***WARNING – In this fantasy series, Myla Lewis kicks ass, takes names, and sasses off. Often in that order.***

Myla Lewis has her life back. Wife. Mother. Queen of the Thrax. Great Scala and mega boss of supernatural igni. Yay! Then one day, Myla runs across a strange fountain and her igni screech like crazy. Our heroine speaks the fateful words, “Some days, I wish I weren’t the Great Scala.”

Turns out, a demon-titan named Bedlam lurks behind the fountain… and he grants her wish.

Moments later, Myla returns to her teenage days of Purgatory High. No husband. No child. And zero power over igni. Without Myla around as the Great Scala, all quasis now live under Armageddon’s rule. That sucks. Hard. So Myla sneaks into Antrum in search of her husband, Lincoln. Together, they’ll take down the evil Bedlam and return life to normal, easy peasy. But once Myla arrives, two problems arise.

First, her husband doesn’t know her. At all.

Second, Lincoln is married to someone else.


Perfect for readers who love young adult fantasy books with romance, action, adventure, and one-of-a-kind worldbuilding. Oh, and demons. Lots of demons.

Angelbound Origins

In which Myla Lewis kicks ass and takes names. Nuff said.

1. Angelbound

2. Scala

3. Acca

4. Thrax

5. The Dark Lands

6. The Brutal Time

7. Armageddon

8. Quasi Redux

9. Clockwork Igni

10. Lady Reaper

Clockwork Igni: Action. Adventure. Fantasy. Badassdom.
Book 9 · Sep 2021 ·
***WARNING – In this fantasy series, Myla Lewis kicks ass, takes names, and sasses off. Often in that order.***

Long live the me! As Queen of Antrum, I rule an underground realm of demon hunters who love finding new caves. Hey, it’s boring down here; I’m glad they all have a hobby. Per usual, I try to act interested about their latest discovery, but all I hear is blah blah blah new cavern blah blah blah Forbidden Tombs blah blah blah massive bronze pyramids blah blah blah creepy ticking sounds. It’s a little odd, but I’m not worried.

My bad.

Suddenly, the Forbidden Tombs burst through the ground in my home realm of Purgatory. Bronze pyramids smash through abandoned buildings and highways, making rush hour a nightmare. Even worse, the metal structures attract tiny lightning bolts called igni, which are my very special supernatural buddies. Within minutes, every last igni gets stolen away.

Now. I’m. Pissed.

Whoever hides inside those pyramids? Time to dust off your mummies and shine up your sarcophagi. Because my husband, Lincoln, and I are breaking in and kicking ass.

Perfect for readers who love young adult fantasy books with romance, action, adventure, and one-of-a-kind worldbuilding. Oh, and demons. Lots of demons.

Angelbound Origins

In which Myla Lewis kicks ass and takes names. Nuff said.

1. Angelbound

2. Scala

3. Acca

4. Thrax

5. The Dark Lands

6. The Brutal Time

7. Armageddon

8. Quasi Redux

9. Clockwork Igni

10. Lady Reaper

Lady Reaper
Book 10 · Nov 2022 ·
Young Myla and Lincoln Kick Ass and Take Names in This Prequel Novella for REAPER GAMES!

A part-demon girl fights Lady Reaper

Myla Lewis is a sixteen-year old part-demon girl who fights evil souls in Purgatory's Arena... and she's always looking out for a good battle against evil. Enter Lady Reaper, the famous ghoulette who wields both a scythe and nefarious intentions. Myla discovers Lady Reaper will soon visit the Demon Woods 'ride' at Purgatory's Annual Lust Festival. Time to visit the fest, kick ass and take names, right? Wrong. Lady Reaper has other plans for Myla and her bestie, Cissy...

A part-angel prince faces the Grim Reaper

Lincoln is a seventeen-year old part-angel prince who protects humans from the denizens of Hell. On a routine trip to Earth, Lincoln uncovers clues that his best friend, Walker, might be allied to an evil ghoul named the Grim Reaper. Things go downhill from there...

***A 20,000-word novella***

Publisher Note: Originally, LADY REAPER was a full novel. However, the author fell ill with COVID and gave us this prequel novella instead. We have since locked Ms. Bauer into the basement with a charger cord, MacBook Pro and carton of Theraflu. Therefore, the full and epic conclusion of this story will definitely be delivered in the next release, REAPER GAMES.

Reaper Games: It’s a Death Match Against Grim and Regina Reaper!
Book 11 · Jun 2023 ·
The Great Scala Battles Regina Reaper

Myla Lewis is now a mother, wife, queen, Great Scala… and someone who adores a good battle. Cue Regina Reaper, a scythe-wielding ghoul who wants to steal the soul of Myla’s bestie, Cissy, in order to control every last ghost in the after-realms. Even worse, Lady Reaper is high-jacking Cissy’s wedding to finish her nefarious plans. To save Cis, Myla must cause new levels of trouble while Cissy and Zeke march down the aisle!

King Lincoln Fights the Grim Reaper

Regina Reaper isn’t working alone—her husband, Grim, is helping to enslave souls across the after-realms. It’s a good thing that Lincoln’s best friend, Walker, may know the secret to saving the day. But is Walker helping Lincoln… or secretly scheming with the Grim Reaper?

It’s a race against time, ghouls, and wedding bells in this action-packed adventure!