Bad Girl Blvd

Latest release: March 9, 2015

About this ebook series


Luca Linn keeps a low-profile but her presence is felt throughout her old stomping grounds of New York. Nestled deep in the heart of Canarsie, Brooklyn is a five-block radius that the police have coined Bad Girl Blvd. BGB is the name of the heroin that has infiltrated the streets and has turned a once up and coming middle class neighborhood into a drug den.

The mastermind, Luca, has seen success by allowing underage girls to carry out the most harsh elements of organized crime. But as her empire grows, she realizes the heat is just around the corner and one fateful decision could place her in a fight or flight situation.

Bad Girl Blvd - Part 1
Book 1 · Jan 2014 ·

Luca Linn keeps a low-profile but her presence is felt throughout her old stomping grounds of New York. Nestled deep in the heart of Canarsie, Brooklyn is a five-block radius that the police have coined Bad Girl Blvd. BGB is the name of the heroin that has infiltrated the streets and has turned a once up and coming middle class neighborhood into a drug den.

The mastermind, Luca, has seen success by allowing underage girls to carry out the most harsh elements of organized crime. But as her empire grows, she realizes the heat is just around the corner and one fateful decision could place her in a fight or flight situation.

Bad Girl Blvd - Part 2
Book 2 · Oct 2014 ·

Detective Charter finds out that the elusive drug kingpin he's been chasing is actually his fiancé, Luca Linn. In a fit of rage he tries to take her life, but Luca recovers and once again reigns over her empire as she expands the Bad Girl product. Luca's still madly in love with Squirrel, but he has a baby mama he won't let go of. Not to be outdone, Luca continues to stir the pot of drama and chaos without realizing she's making new enemies. With a stick-up kid hitting all the stash houses, and bullets whizzing past her head, Luca has to rebuild her heart and Bad Girl, brick by brick.

Bad Girl Blvd - Part 3
Book 3 · Mar 2015 ·
 Deadly By Design

An attempt on Luca’s life has left her shaken up and her new man, Clyde, left for dead. With no time to pick up the pieces, she has to act strategically and think quickly in order to outsmart her enemies.

Phaedra is no longer a ride-or-die bitch for her mentor, Luca. With Kool-Aid murdered, Phaedra feels alienated from her former crew and makes decisions she'll soon regret. She's in love with Clyde and wants to see Luca six feet deep.

With growing numbers of enemies and friends in short supply, Luca formulates and flawlessly executes a plan to permanently destroy those who are gunning for her.