The Rules of Love

Latest release: November 6, 2023

About this ebook series

Come read this best selling young adult series! Each book is standalone so can be enjoyed in any order. All clean romances - just kisses only!

Some rules are meant to be broken. 

Rule #1: You Can't Date the Coach's Daughter
Book 1 ·
My dad has forbidden his entire football team from speaking to me, but the quarterback needs a tutor.

The entire football team at my high school lives by one rule, they're not allowed to date the coach's daughter. Lucky for me, I'm the coach's daughter. If the players ever come close to flirting with me, Dad makes them run laps until they puke.

What Dad doesn't know, is that I spend every last second of practice staring at Tyson Blake. He's six foot three, incredibly tones, smells good even when he sweats.

So when Tyson asks me to tutor him, I can't turn him down. After all, what Dad doesn't know won't hurt him. But the more I get to know Tyson, the more I realize there's something deeper. And I can't walk away. Even if what we are doing breaks every single one of Dad's rules.

If only my heart understood the rules, I wouldn’t have fallen for Tyson Blake. Stupid heart.

Some rules are meant to be broken.

If you love forbidden love and stolen first kisses, you'll love Rule #1: You Can't Date the Coach's Daughter.

Grab it today!

The Rules of Love Romance series contains full length, standalone romances that are full of happily ever afters.

Rule #3: You Can't Kiss Your Best Friend
Book 3 · Jun 2023 ·
It was supposed to be a simple kiss. That was all. Whoops.

My plan was perfect: convince my best friend and school quarterback, Ethan, to be the final prize for my matchmaking test where the proceeds go to sending the band to Paris. Plus, if it matches me with my life-long crush, that's a bonus, right?

What could go wrong?

Apparently, a lot.

First, the test matches me and Ethan. Which is easy to explain. Computers make mistakes all the time, right?

Second, the girl I switch myself for seems perfect for Ethan. Maybe a bit too perfect.

Third, my date with my crush goes horribly wrong and my first kiss tanks.

Now, I'm pretty sure I'm destined to be alone while Ethan rides off into the sunset with his perfect match.

Man, I've screwed up bad—especially when I ask Ethan the secrets to a good kiss.

Big mistake.

Feelings start to change and I'm pretty sure that our friendship isn't going to be enough anymore. Too bad I seem to be the only one in our duo who seems to feel this way.

Some rules are meant to be broken.

If you love best friends discovering their true feelings and intense first kisses, you'll love Rule #3: You Can't Kiss Your Best Friend.

Grab your copy today!

The Rules of Love Romance series contains full length, standalone romances that are full of happily ever afters.

Rule #5: You Can't Fall for Your Fake Summer Fling: A Standalone Sweet High School Romance
Book 5 · Jul 2017 ·
I thought I was strong enough to go along with the plan. Fake dating heart throb, Cayden Rivers, seemed simple enough.

Apparently not.

I am just trying to survive. Spending the summer with my loosey-goosey Dad in Hollywood, CA is just enough to send my OCD tendencies into hyperdrive.

But Mom thinks it's good for me. And my best friend Michelle has agreed to come along.

I should have known better than to get on the plane.

First Dad drops his soon-to-be wife on me. Then I run into Cayden Rivers, the player of Hollywood. He seems just as trapped in his life as I feel in mine.

Which is weird. And the more I get to know him, the more I find out, maybe we're not that different.

So when he asks me to fake date him to help his image, I stupidly agree. Everything goes according to plan until my feelings start to grow and I can't tell if Cayden feels the same or if he's just acting.

My life spirals out of control and the only person I want to turn to is Cayden.

I just hope my heart is the one he doesn't break.

Grab your copy TODAY!

The Rules of Love Romance series contains full length, standalone romances that are full of happily ever afters.

Rule #6: You Can't Elevate the Outcast: A Standalone Sweet High School Romance
Book 6 · Jun 2021 ·
★★★★★ "Such a Sweet Romance!!" --- Amazon Reviewer

I thought I knew what I was getting into when I took the dare to elevate Colten Shaw.

I thought wrong.

I'm determined to make my senior year epic. I'd finally risen up in social rank and now, I'm ready to rule the school. Everything seems perfect until I find myself standing in front of Colten.

My boyfriend's older brother and my once friend.

After he caused the car crash that killed their mother, he retreated. He became the social outcast in our community.

But he's back now and drumming up a lot of attention.

Attention from the school's evil queen.

And thus started the dare.

It was my job to "tame the beast." To bring Colten to the homecoming dance as a "functioning member of society." And as much as I want to say no, everyone wants me to say yes. So I do.

That's when I discover there is so much more to Colten. It's to the point where I can't ignore it.

I thought I had everything figured out but now?

Now I’m not sure.

And that’s a scary place to be.

Some Rules are Meant to be Broken

If you love gruff heroes with a heart of gold and kisses that will curl your toes, you'll love Rule #6: You Can't Elevate the Outcast.

Rule #7: You Can't Fake Date Your Brother's Best Friend: A Standalone Sweet High School Romance
Book 7 · Dec 2021 ·
I wasn’t supposed to fall for my fake boyfriend.

I failed at that.

Mom’s sick. Desperate to get some sunshine and relaxation, my parents packed up my brother and I and moved us to a small ranch in Montana. I’m not really interested in making friends. Not when my time with my mother might be cut short.

That is, until Blake shows up. He’s been best friends with my brother since they were kids and when I first meet him, I realize that the last thing his is, is a kid anymore. If he had a dating profile, it would write itself.

Blake Marshall. Six foot two. Ridiculously good looking.

And apparently, newly single. When Mom hears this, she concocts a plan. I should pretend to be Blake’s girlfriend to make his ex jealous and win her back. As much as I want to say no, I just want to make Mom happy, so I agree.

Until, feelings start to change and suddenly, the last thing I want to do is be Blake’s fake-anything.

I just hope he feels the same because I’ve come so close to losing Mom, I couldn’t handle another heartbreak.

Some Rules are Meant to Be Broken

Grab Rule #7 You Can't Fake Date your Brother's Best Friend and fall in love today!

Rule #8: You Can't Excuse the Billionaire's Heir
Book 8 · Mar 2022 ·
He wasn't supposed to be nice.

This changes everything.

I’m just trying to survive. Mom’s dead. Dad’s gone crazy. And I’m alone. Senior year is about to start and I can’t imagine my life getting any worse.

Enter Lucas.

The rich, snobby kid who’s been banished here by his parents to, I don’t know, learn how the poor slum it or something.

He’s everywhere. Infiltrating my safe places and causing my emotions to spin out of control. If only I can figure out what his angle is, I might actually survive.

And then, things change. I begin to realize there’s more depth to him than he’s letting on.

I didn’t expect this. What am I going to do? My heart’s already so broken and I’m not sure I can take the chance that I so desperately want to.

Losing someone I loved already crushed me once. What if Lucas leaves me too?

Some Rules are Meant to be Broken

Rule #9: You Can't Misinterpret a Mistletoe Kiss
Book 9 · Nov 2018 ·
A mistletoe kiss is just a simple kiss, right? Wrong.

All I want to do during this Christmas break is survive. A week at the cabin with our family’s friends/rivals, the Stephensons, every yuletide activity is turned into a competition where my family must win. Every. One. Yep. Lots of Christmas spirit around here. But, I've survived past holidays, there's no reason why I can't survive this one.

Until Mom informs me that Jacob Stephenson, my brother's ex-best friend and resident bad boy, is back from his grandmothers after having been gone for the semester. I guess, after you find out your son robbed a gas station, you banish him to the most southern state.

Now my ridiculous crush is back in full force and I’m trying really hard to stay away from him. My brother is frustrated that Jacob is home and I'm supposed to put my family above boys. Right?


I was attempting to be loyal until Jacob and I kiss. Sure, it was a forced one brought on by mistletoe tradition, but there was something in the way he held me and pressed his lips to mine that told me, he just might be feeling something more. But when he keeps pulling away and acting like the bad boy I'm pretty sure is fake, I begin to realize that there's more at stake here then just my heart. A truth that is eating away at him.

I just hope I can unearth it before Christmas is over and any chance that I have at discovering the real Jacob disappears.

Some rules are meant to be broken.

Rule #10: You Can't Forgive Your Ex Best Friend
Book 10 · Nov 2023 ·
Who said mistakes have to be bad?

It’s Christmas break and I’m alone. My best friend is off with the dance team to the Bahama’s and I’m at home, trying to pad my college application by volunteering with Safety Net Mentors, a program that pairs teens with kids in need—and if I finally get to talk to my life-long crush, I’m okay with that.

Everything is going according to plan until I discover that not only is my ex-best friend, Grayson back, but he’s also volunteering. And we get paired with siblings.


I not only have to talk to him but I have to spend time with him and his mentee. Which seems doable as long as neither of us bring up the past.

Which seems harder to do than say.

Now I’m so confused, I can’t keep my mind straight. There’s something Grayson isn’t telling me and feelings that creep up that weren’t there before.

Thing change and suddenly, what felt like the biggest Christmas break mistake doesn’t feel that way anymore. If only I could figure out what everything meant, I just might survive with my heart intact.

For fans of Young Adult romance, Rule #10: You Can't Forgive your Ex-Best Friend will suck you in and not let you go until the last page.

Rule #11: You Can't Ignore your Family's Feud
Book 11 · Mar 2022 ·
He’s the one person I don’t want around and yet, I can’t ask him to leave.

Previously, Her Summer Mistake


The summer is coming to an end, and I’m barely surviving. Dad’s gone. Mom spends more time passed out on the couch than doing anything else. Thankfully, I have school and soccer to keep me distracted. Until Logan Cartwright walks back into my life. He’s acting like his family didn’t ruin mine and confusing me more than ever. I’m supposed to hate him, but he’s nice and everywhere I don’t want him to be.


I’m back home in Sweet Mountain, ready to start my life sans my parents. They’re desperately trying to save the business they took from the Davenports and have abandoned me at my grandmother’s house while they come up with a plan. Which is fine with me. When I run into Bella, I’m trying to fight the desire to fix what our parents broke. She’s distant and vulnerable. My protective instincts take control. If only I could get her to trust me, she’d see how much I want to help, not hurt.

Some Rules are Meant to be Broken

If you love a Romeo and Juliet romance, you'll love Rule #11: You Can't Ignore your Family's Feud