John Flood

Latest release: March 15, 2017

About this ebook series

What¡¯s to Love: Justin Jordan exploded onto the comics scene just four short years ago with The Strange Talent of Luther Strode and caught everyone by surprise. Now he brings us John Flood, a series that combines the metaphysical with the procedural in a way we think is really fresh. Joining him is Jorge Coelho, whose fantastic work on Polarity and Sleepy Hollow made him a BOOM! favorite. Perfect for fans of Desolation Jones and Sherlock Holmes.
John Flood
Vol 1 · Mar 2017 ·
Written by Justin Jordan (Sombra, The Strange Talent of Luther Strode) and illustrated by Jorge Coelho (The Haunted Mansion), John Flood is a mind-bending murder mystery that take readers on a wild ride to uncover the truth. As the result of shady corporate experiments, John Flood no longer needs to sleep. Instead, he lives in a constant dream-state where sometimes it's hard to decipher what's real and what isn't. A side effect of his supernatural insomnia allows him to see patterns and make connections no one else can. This ability serves Flood well in his new "career" as a makeshift private investigator, and he's recruited an ex-cop looking for redemption to be his assistant. When the pair begins to unravel the connection between thousands of unsolved and seemingly unrelated murders, Flood discovers the one secret that has eluded him: his own past. Collects the complete limited series
John Flood
Issue #1 · Aug 2015 ·
What's to Love: Justin Jordan exploded onto the comics scene just four short years ago with The Strange Talent of Luther Strode and caught everyone by surprise. Now he brings us John Flood, a series that combines the metaphysical with the procedural in a way we think is really fresh. Joining him is Jorge Coelho, whose fantastic work on Polarity and Sleepy Hollow made him a BOOM! favorite. Perfect for fans of Desolation Jones and Sherlock Holmes. What It Is: As the result of a government experiment, John Flood no longer needs to sleep, but now he's in a constant dream state and sometimes can't tell what's real and what isn't. But a side effect is that he sees patterns and makes connections no one else can, which serve him well in his new "career" as a make-shift PI. Together with a burly ex-cop, Flood begins to investigate when he "sees" one man responsible for thousands of unsolved murders, but now he himself has caught the killer's attention...
John Flood
Issue #2 · Sep 2015 ·
Flood takes Berry out on an unusual first case for a crash course in his oddball techniques.
John Flood
Issue #3 · Oct 2015 ·
In trying to stay two steps ahead of the killer, Flood puts the one closest to him in the most danger.
John Flood
Issue #4 · Nov 2015 ·
John’s first encounter with Tate doesn’t exactly end how he’d planned it.
John Flood
Issue #5 · Dec 2015 ·
Tate and Berry both race to get to Flood in the police station for very different reasons.
John Flood
Issue #6 · Jan 2016 ·
Final issue! The cat-and-mouse game between Flood and Tate comes to a dangerous conclusion.