The Dark Disciple

Latest release: September 13, 2011

About this ebook series

The first book in the Dark Disciple series: With the War of Souls now over, Mina aids the seductive God of Death in his quest for power

Standing at a tomb where she has buried her Dark Queen, warrior-woman Mina believes her life is at an end. Her belief is confirmed when she sees Chemosh, God of Death, come to claim her. But Chemosh does not want Mina’s death—he wants her faith.

Mina is immediately attracted to the handsome and darkly charming god, who has ambitious plans to become the ruler of the Pantheon of Evil. She joins his cause and begins to entice followers to do the same—followers who are young, strong, and soon devoted to their god’s designs. Her commitment endears her to Chemosh, stirring up feelings he never thought he'd have for a mortal woman.

Meanwhile, the brother of a monk of Majere falls victim to Mina’s seduction and becomes one of the vampiric followers of Chemosh. Appalled by the crimes his brother commits, the monk abandons his faith and pledges himself to the evil goddess of the sea, Zeboim, who has her own reasons for wanting to thwart the God of Death. Accompanied by a kender who can talk to the dead, the monk starts upon a dark path to try to find a way to stop Mina and her disciples.
Amber and Ashes: A Dark Disciple Novel
Book 1 · Sep 2011 ·
The first book in the Dark Disciple series: With the War of Souls now over, Mina aids the seductive God of Death in his quest for power

Standing at a tomb where she has buried her Dark Queen, warrior-woman Mina believes her life is at an end. Her belief is confirmed when she sees Chemosh, God of Death, come to claim her. But Chemosh does not want Mina’s death—he wants her faith.

Mina is immediately attracted to the handsome and darkly charming god, who has ambitious plans to become the ruler of the Pantheon of Evil. She joins his cause and begins to entice followers to do the same—followers who are young, strong, and soon devoted to their god’s designs. Her commitment endears her to Chemosh, stirring up feelings he never thought he'd have for a mortal woman.

Meanwhile, the brother of a monk of Majere falls victim to Mina’s seduction and becomes one of the vampiric followers of Chemosh. Appalled by the crimes his brother commits, the monk abandons his faith and pledges himself to the evil goddess of the sea, Zeboim, who has her own reasons for wanting to thwart the God of Death. Accompanied by a kender who can talk to the dead, the monk starts upon a dark path to try to find a way to stop Mina and her disciples.
Amber and Iron: A Dark Disciple Novel
Book 2 · Sep 2011 ·
The thrilling second adventure in the Dark Disciple trilogy, from the international bestselling author and co-creator of the Dragonlance universe

The world of Krynn is ever changing, and even the gods can be taken by surprise. And if that’s true of the gods, what chance can a mere mortal have? Caught up in forces none of them could hope to face alone, a small but determined band of adventurers come together in a desperate attempt to stop an invasion.

Mina, as enigmatic as ever, escapes imprisonment to set off on a quest that will test even her considerable will. All the while, evil spreads across the land, gaining ground with each new day. With so much at stake—and with the very soul of Krynn on the line—champions must be found even in the darkest places.
Amber and Blood: A Dark Disciple Novel
Book 3 · Sep 2011 ·
In the conclusion to the Dark Disciple trilogy, Mina uncovers the truth she has long denied: she alone can upset the balance of power in heaven

Finally free of the Blood Sea Tower, Mina at last learns the truth about herself. Once a mortal dedicated to the One God and then to Chemosh, she is in fact a god herself—a revelation that sends her and all of heaven into a desperate frenzy.
Rhys, the monk of Majere, is given the dangerous assignment of guarding the crazed god. Accompanied by his dog Atta and the kender Nightshade, he escorts her on a long, strange journey to the mysterious place known as Godshome. Along the way, they seek those Mina can trust—but that list is very short.
Their path is fraught with peril, for the undead Beloved want to make Mina their leader. The fearsome death knight Krell brings fire and death to the town of Solace in an effort to seize her. And her trusted former lieutenant, the minotaur named Galdar, is ordered to try to turn Mina to the side of evil by delivering her to her most hated enemy.