Johnny Maxwell Trilogy

Latest release: October 6, 2009

About this ebook series

From the pen of Sir Terry Pratchett, beloved and bestselling author of the Discworld fantasy series, comes a reality-bending tale of virtual heroism that will leaves readers breathless from laughter, and suspense. 

The alien spaceship is in his sights. His finger is on the Fire button. Johnny Maxwell is about to set the new high score on the computer game Only You Can Save Mankind.


We wish to talk.


We surrender.

The aliens aren't supposed to surrender -- they're supposed to die! Now what is Johnny going to do with a fleet of alien prisoners who know their rights under the international rules of war and are demanding safe-conduct? It's hard enough trying to save Mankind from the Galactic Hordes. It's even harder trying to save the Galactic Hordes from Mankind.

But it's just a game, isn't it? Isn't it...?

Read more of Johnny Maxwell's adventures in Johnny and the Dead and Johnny and the Bomb!

Only You Can Save Mankind
Book 1 · Oct 2009 ·
From the pen of Sir Terry Pratchett, beloved and bestselling author of the Discworld fantasy series, comes a reality-bending tale of virtual heroism that will leaves readers breathless from laughter, and suspense. 

The alien spaceship is in his sights. His finger is on the Fire button. Johnny Maxwell is about to set the new high score on the computer game Only You Can Save Mankind.


We wish to talk.


We surrender.

The aliens aren't supposed to surrender -- they're supposed to die! Now what is Johnny going to do with a fleet of alien prisoners who know their rights under the international rules of war and are demanding safe-conduct? It's hard enough trying to save Mankind from the Galactic Hordes. It's even harder trying to save the Galactic Hordes from Mankind.

But it's just a game, isn't it? Isn't it...?

Read more of Johnny Maxwell's adventures in Johnny and the Dead and Johnny and the Bomb!

Johnny and the Dead
Book 2 · Oct 2009 ·
Sir Terry Pratchett, beloved and bestselling author of the Discworld fantasy series, explores the bonds between the living and the dead and proves that it's never too late to have the time of your life—even if it is your afterlife!

Johnny Maxwell's new friends do not appreciate the term "ghosts," but they are, well, dead.

The town council wants to sell the cemetery, and its inhabitants aren't about to take that lying down! Johnny is the only one who can see them, and and the previously alive need his help to save their home and their history. Johnny didn't mean to become the voice for the lifeless, but if he doesn't speak up, who will?

Read more of Johnny Maxwell's adventures in Only You Can Save Mankind and Johnny and the Bomb!

Johnny and the Bomb
Book 3 · Oct 2009 ·
From the pen of Sir Terry Pratchett, beloved and bestselling author of the Discworld fantasy series, comes time-travel adventure that mixes outrageous humor and nail-biting suspense! 

Twelve-year-old Johnny Maxwell has a knack for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. This has never been more true than when he finds himself in his hometown on May 21, 1941, over forty years before his birth!

An accidental time traveler, Johnny knows his history. He knows England is at war, and he knows that on this day German bombs will fall on the town. It happened. It's history. And as Johnny and his friends quickly discover, tampering with history can have unpredictable—and drastic—effects on the future.

But letting history take its course means letting people die. What if Johnny warns someone and changes history? What will happen to the future? If Johnny uses his knowledge to save innocent lives by being in the right place at the right time, is he doing the right thing?

Read more of Johnny Maxwell's adventures in Only You Can Save Mankind and Johnny and the Dead!