Twin Flame Reunion

Latest release: March 14, 2024

About this ebook series

Very much so! It is possible to reunite with your twin flame even though they seem uninterested physically. The truth is that there is no way around it — you wind up together somehow after you go through your healing. A twin flame comes back because even though you both wish to live separate lives, there comes a time for reconciliation. It is a form of healing in your relationship as well. Remember that your inner vibration has to match your physical reality.

Stay Blessed!

The 25 Insightful Reunion Tips: A Quick Guide For Twin Flame Newbies
Book 1 · Mar 2024 ·
If you are true twin flames and your twin flame seems happy away from you, just know that it is all a facade. Total pretense. Being away from a twin flame even for hours feels unbearable because your mind won't let you catch a break from remembering how he or she makes you feel. You feel an invisible magnetic Soul attraction that you can pretend to be happy and okay yet your heart is breaking from within. It is more frustrating if you are surrounded by those who don't understand your situation. If you are alone, you pretend to be happy as everyone else and yet when you are alone, you go through moments of quiet desperation.

There is this indescribable feeling that a twin flame makes you feel. A sense of completeness. The feeling of oneness — “Us against the world” kind of feeling. You feel understood, safe, and peaceful. You bust into your natural authentic energy: you feel your energy merging with your twin flame. You can’t help but wonder how it is possible to feel connected to someone beyond words. It is an alchemical process that happens when twin flames are triggered to awaken and recognize each other.

“A twin flame feels ENOUGH in every way possible.” It is such a wonderful feeling knowing someone else gets you because you are them and they are you.

When you are with a twin flame, you feel energetically replenished. You feel constant inner harmony. Your pain is healed. You fall back into your authenticity. You feel inspired to love yourself unconditionally. Your fears and insecurities are at bay. You feel the power to achieve your wildest dreams.

We struggle with the initial stages of separation mainly because we don't know how to be and feel complete without his or her physical inspiration.

You, later on, realize that you had the power all along within you to make the desired changes to feel safe, secure, and complete when a twin flame is around.

The twin flame separation phase teaches us to be strong on our own. We must feel happy without needing validation from the divine partner. We must feel unconditional love within ourselves because we are Love itself.

I hope my perspective helps you. Stay Blessed!

TWIN FLAME UNION 11:11: A Preparation Guide For Reunion
Book 2 · Mar 2024 ·
If you are a twin flame still confused about the difference between a Union and a Reunion, you are not alone in feeling this. You have to experience it to understand the difference. If you were not spiritual before your twin flame awakening, you wonder why a Twin Flame Union is associated with 5D Spiritual Experiences.

This book is here to enlighten you about the definitions of the popular terms associated with a Twin Flame Union: 3D and 5D. In fact, how are these two terms connected to a Reunion and a Union? It is the ultimate guide for a Twin Flame Reunion you desperately seek because it helps you understand that you must heal in 5D to feel a harmonious Union and Oneness.

The 5D is the Spiritual aspect of your journey: A twin Flame Union happens in 5D. In the spiritual. It is more profound than what you comprehend as your everyday romantic relationships. It is the connection you feel within you.

This Book will answer some of the following questions:

What is the Twin Flame Union?

How do you embrace the spiritual nature of your twin Flame experiences to stay in a perfect harmonious union?

How do dreams, telepathy, spiritual awakening, energy merging, the night of the soul, and chakra healing, advance your healing process?

How do you accelerate your twin Flame Union Spiritually and physically?

Is Twin Flame telepathic communication part of Twin Flame Union?

Why is 3D associated with a Twin Flame Reunion?

How can you merge your physical situation with the Spiritual nature of your twin flame journey?

How can you work on yourself to prepare for a Union?

The ultimate state of being for every twin flame is to harmoniously merge your 3D with 5D to create a perfect Union.I hope that my perspective helps you. Stay Blessed!