11:11 Twin Flame Union

Latest release: April 20, 2024

About this ebook series

Let me begin with quoting for you from one of my “Book of Gratitude” — I always make sure I remember how much I am blessed to have gone through my Twin Flame Awakening Journey. I write down everything I am grateful for starting with the little daily successes and achievements.

A Twin Flame Awakening indeed brings good luck. It does not seem like so during the “confusion” time but you eventually get a hang of it.

Whenever you learn to settle into your shared twin flame journey, magic happens. You feel empowered to overcome your fears and insecurities. You also feel emboldened to pursue authentic life prospects to create a life of meaning and purpose.

Good Luck is always with you. Your Awakening process only unveils what you already possess. You go through chaotic phases of changing because you are being re-aligned with your truest self. That alone in itself is a Blessing and Good Luck.

One other lesson I have learned is that finding a twin flame is also good luck. Not everyone has the Once-in-a-lifetime chance to know the meaning of real authentic unconditional love. You are so lucky to know low in its truest purest form.

Your activated connection to a twin flame transcends distance, time, and space. It is always there and will always exist in you and your twin flame eternally.

Some people pass by their twin flames every day but they have not yet woke up to each other. The connection is there but dormant. Count yourself Lucky to be experiencing your twin flame connection as Raw and Pure as it is.

Stay Blessed!

TWIN FLAME UNION 11:11: A Preparation Guide For Reunion
Book 2 · Mar 2024 ·
If you are a twin flame still confused about the difference between a Union and a Reunion, you are not alone in feeling this. You have to experience it to understand the difference. If you were not spiritual before your twin flame awakening, you wonder why a Twin Flame Union is associated with 5D Spiritual Experiences.

This book is here to enlighten you about the definitions of the popular terms associated with a Twin Flame Union: 3D and 5D. In fact, how are these two terms connected to a Reunion and a Union? It is the ultimate guide for a Twin Flame Reunion you desperately seek because it helps you understand that you must heal in 5D to feel a harmonious Union and Oneness.

The 5D is the Spiritual aspect of your journey: A twin Flame Union happens in 5D. In the spiritual. It is more profound than what you comprehend as your everyday romantic relationships. It is the connection you feel within you.

This Book will answer some of the following questions:

What is the Twin Flame Union?

How do you embrace the spiritual nature of your twin Flame experiences to stay in a perfect harmonious union?

How do dreams, telepathy, spiritual awakening, energy merging, the night of the soul, and chakra healing, advance your healing process?

How do you accelerate your twin Flame Union Spiritually and physically?

Is Twin Flame telepathic communication part of Twin Flame Union?

Why is 3D associated with a Twin Flame Reunion?

How can you merge your physical situation with the Spiritual nature of your twin flame journey?

How can you work on yourself to prepare for a Union?

The ultimate state of being for every twin flame is to harmoniously merge your 3D with 5D to create a perfect Union.I hope that my perspective helps you. Stay Blessed!

Book 2 · Mar 2024 ·
From your twin flame experience, what is the ultimate feeling that every twin flame should aspire to?

How uncomfortable has it been for twin flame runners when trying to return to their divine partner?

Whether I am with my twin flame or not, I know that I stopped searching for love. I don't need outside validation to feel happy. I feel free of my insecurities. Is anyone else feeling this when you are going through your twin flame experiences?

So far during your twin flame journey, what have you discovered as the key difference between normal romantic relationships and the twin flame connection?

After rediscovering yourself, does it feel like a twin flame saved you from who you used to be?

The twin flame journey is challenging, complicated, and difficult to comprehend. What was your aha! Moment that made you believe in your experiences?

When a reunion with a twin flame is about to happen, why does it feel like he or she never left in the first place?

Does it madden you how you feel constantly connected to your twin flame without your consent?

After you met your twin flame, did Valentine’s Day change meaning for you? What is your perspective on this infamous day?

How would you describe the initial twin flame encounter if someone is very curious to know how you felt?

Here are very insightful answers to all your questions about a Twin Flame Union. Stay Blessed!

Twin Souls Merging: The Journey of Twin Flame Union
Book 3 · Mar 2024 ·
Physical intimacy is what defines your everyday romance. Twin Flame love is effortless; It is this accepting feeling of — “Finally, I am Home.” Once your twin flame triggers you to awaken, another half of you that was dormant becomes alive. You feel immense inner peace, energetic downloads, sharing, and merging.

It is not possible to sever the bond between twin flames. Nobody and nothing can ever deter the nature of the connection. You can run to the ends of the earth. You can hide in new relationships and try to forge new connections you still feel energetically drawn to them. Sometimes you are lonelier with other people. The memories you made together haunt you daily. You realize you are undergoing changes and transformation processes that remind you of your encounter. You know for sure that your encounter was not a coincidence. You also acknowledge that your twin flame walked into your life at the right moment when you desperately needed to make changes. To heal from past trauma and core wounding — a Twin Flame walks into your life at the moment when you are Soul searching. You crave to have a fulfilling life; you go through self-rediscovery. You embrace spiritual growth to feel connected to a happy inner child.

When it comes to trying disconnection from a twin flame energetically, it is possible temporarily: it takes a lot of effort and energetic work on your end to try so many exotic ways to distract yourself. You make your daily schedules so busy that you have no time to sit around and think of them. You feel the connection within naturally: you are drawn to thinking of a twin flame. You dream of them. You feel astral projections to each other. The more you try to disconnect energetically from a twin flame, you exhaust yourself. You end up feeling energetically exhausted. You surrender and let the situation be as it is.

Here is a starting point for you if you are looking for simple self-help tips to assist you with healing during your twin flame journey. I hope you feel inspired to keep advancing in your twin flame journey.

Stay Blessed!

Inspiring Twin Flame Answers: Twin Flame Journey Guide
Book 8 · Apr 2024 ·
Just because you don't see each other physically does not mean your twin flame connection dissolves. Matter of fact, the separation phase only teaches you the magnitude of your connection. You learn that the twin flame love connection is not your everyday romantic experience. You carry with you your twin flame's Spirit or higher self everywhere you go. Your essence keeps merging with theirs and vice versa no matter who you are with. You are haunted by the connection to the extent that when you try to resist how you feel, you never find inner peace. You know you are resisting a natural part of yourself because a twin flame is you. There are moments when you feel as if the connection is fading. It feels so great to feel connected to the twin flame that you miss it when it is "dormant". You worry if they don't feel you anymore. Remember the connection is also addictive because it is comforting and healing — you never feel alone after your Twin Flame Awakening. There are different reasons why you feel the connection fading. It could be because of energy and emotional blockages when your heart is not fully open to embracing the connection unconditionally. Sometimes you feel stagnated and in limbo and it frustrates you. Other times, you could be that you are too busy with your daily schedules that your connection is in the background. I hope my perspective helps you. Stay Blessed!