24 Hours Learning Series

Latest release: February 15, 2014

About this ebook series

Do you feel tired on working for your current job?
Do you want to earn more to improve you current financial situations?
Do you think having your own business cost a lot?

starting your own business is not easy. Even using Internet as the
medium, you still need money to buy products at the beginning.

there are ways that let you earn from the Internet without paying
anything. The methods are affordable for everyone. Using these methods,
you can earn not only a few bucks, but a full time income. You can get
enough and stable income, so that you can quit your annoying job. And,
the more important is, you don’t need to pay!

We are not going to
introduces methods such as online selling, since it cost you money
before earn you money. What we give you is the methods that you don't
need to pay anything, so that you can earn with $0 cost!

In this book, you will find out:
1. How to earn money from the Internet, not only a few hundred dollars, but a full time income!
2. The simple tools that you can use to earn big money with a few minutes administration
3. Step by step tutorials on how to start the earning. Even dummies can follow!
4. Wide ranges of earning methods. You can earn from multiple stable income sources!

introduce the earning methods that you don't need to work a lot, but
can earn you a lot. We'll tell you the tricks to do this!

Earning Full Time Income From Internet With $0 Cost
Book 1 · Jan 2012 ·
Do you feel tired on working for your current job?
Do you want to earn more to improve you current financial situations?
Do you think having your own business cost a lot?

starting your own business is not easy. Even using Internet as the
medium, you still need money to buy products at the beginning.

there are ways that let you earn from the Internet without paying
anything. The methods are affordable for everyone. Using these methods,
you can earn not only a few bucks, but a full time income. You can get
enough and stable income, so that you can quit your annoying job. And,
the more important is, you don’t need to pay!

We are not going to
introduces methods such as online selling, since it cost you money
before earn you money. What we give you is the methods that you don't
need to pay anything, so that you can earn with $0 cost!

In this book, you will find out:
1. How to earn money from the Internet, not only a few hundred dollars, but a full time income!
2. The simple tools that you can use to earn big money with a few minutes administration
3. Step by step tutorials on how to start the earning. Even dummies can follow!
4. Wide ranges of earning methods. You can earn from multiple stable income sources!

introduce the earning methods that you don't need to work a lot, but
can earn you a lot. We'll tell you the tricks to do this!
Healthcare with Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
Book 2 · Mar 2012 ·
 Are you an easily- sick person?
Do you think that Western medicine has no effects on your sickness?

If you think so, Chinese medicine can be one of the alternatives to try on.

Chinese medicine (TCM) keeps develop for more than 3000 years. The TCM
theories involve thousands of formula, which can help you to maintain
the internal balance of your body, and therefore help you to prevent and
heal illness.

After reading this book, you will learn:
1. The basic theories in TCM
2. The common diagnosis techniques, which you can follow and check your health situations when you are not feeling well
3. The common healing methods
4. The ways to prevent common illness, which you can do it yourself without enquiring doctors and TCM practitioners!
完美散水手冊: A handbook of saying GOODBYE!
Book 3 · Feb 2014 ·

每次離職的時候, 都要煩惱買什麼東西給大家作為散水餅?
第一次離職, 不知道 "散水" 要做什麼?

"完美散水手冊" 替你出主意!

1. 詳細介紹散水日當天要做的事
2. 介紹各式各樣的散水餅選擇, 助你選擇最合你心意又最符合你的預算的散水餅
3. 跟其他同事吃散水飯時, 應該說與不應該說的話題
4. 散水餅派發完後的工作, 也就是大部份人都忘了做或沒有做的重要事

想要你的散水當天不出洋相而又大方得體? 這本手冊幫到你!