The Wraith: Welcome to Christmasland

Latest release: August 27, 2014

About this ebook series

Joe Hill's New York Times Bestselling novel, NOS4A2, introduced readers to the terrifying funhouse world of Christmasland, and the mad man who rules there: Charlie Talent Manx III. Now, in an original new comic miniseries, Hill throws wide the candy cane gates to tell a standalone story that is at once both accessible to new readers, and sure to delight fans of the book.
The Wraith: Welcome to Christmasland
Vol 1 · Aug 2014 ·
Joe Hill's New York Times bestselling novel, NOS4A2, introduced readers to the terrifying funhouse world of Christmasland and the mad man who rules there: Charlie Talent Manx III. Now, in an original new comic miniseries, Hill throws wide the candy cane gates to tell a standalone story that is at once both accessible to new readers and sure to delight fans of the book.
The Wraith: Welcome to Christmasland
Issue #2 ·
Desperate men will do desperate things. It was desperation that drove Chess Llewelyn to commit a crime that bought him seven years hard time... and it's desperation of another sort that drives the King Geek, Denis Sikes, to attempt a jailbreak of staggering ingenuity and violence. Chess will find himself hauled along for the ride: a ride so terrifying it could almost be one of the attractions in scenic Christmasland!
The Wraith: Welcome to Christmasland
Issue #3 ·
Three escaped convicts are looking for a set of wheels that can carry them to freedom. Charlie Manx has just the ride they need... but when they get to Christmasland, they'll wish they went to prison instead. Ten years of hard time looks pretty easy compared to 24 hours in a frozen graveyard disguised as the world's coldest, cruelest amusement park.
The Wraith: Welcome to Christmasland
Issue #4 · Feb 2014 ·
Chapter Four: "Fastball." The calliope plays a lunatic waltz; the rides run at breakneck speeds; Christmasland is open for business and Charlie's children are closing in on Chess Llewelyn and Agnes Claiborne. Dark magic waits around every corner... but just maybe Chess has a trick of his own up his sleeve.
The Wraith: Welcome to Christmasland
Issue #5 ·
Chapter 5: The Rules of the Game: The hunt has begun: Christmasland's prisoners are falling one by one, slaughtered among the park's dark amusements. The only way out has vanished, darkness is coming, and Charlie Manx's children are everywhere. Chess Llewellyn and Agnes Claiborne have one hope„to figure out the rules of this new, impossible landscape and find a loophole that will allow them to fly away.
The Wraith: Welcome to Christmasland
Issue #6 ·
Chapter 5: ''Shoot the Moon.'' A laughing malevolent moon rises over Christmasland, and turns red snow black, as Agnes Claiborne and Chess Llewellyn make a final doomed, desperate run for freedom. Every cruel child is on the hunt for them; every cruel ride is engineered for their destruction. As if that wasn't bad enough, King Geek is looking to claim a new title for himself... as the new Lord of Christmasland!
The Wraith: Welcome to Christmasland
Issue #7 ·
Epilogue: "Phantoms." You have worked the big grift your whole life, conning a fortune off the rubes and always on the run from enemies, shadows, and phantoms. But no one outruns the Wraith... not with Charlie Manx behind the wheel.