Getting Out Of The Game Series


About this ebook series

Veora Arnold is working hard to climb from underneath her man’s, Zhaire Simon, shadow and ascend the ranks of the Spider Gang. While she loves him and the gang, she is beginning to question whether the life is sustainable, much to the delight of her secret love and high school sweetheart, Ethridge Nash. For the past year, he has been unable to convince her to get out, but he’s hoping a recent shooting will set her straight.


Being the King Pin he is, it’s no surprise that Zhaire has a flock of women at his disposal, but his most recent conquest, Ranisha Ware give Veora cause to pause. Immediately upon meeting her, she questions the woman’s occupation as a bank teller. Her warnings to Zhaire about discussing the heist job in front of her go ignored as does her attempts to convince him that the gang isn’t ready.

Just as she predicted, the heist goes bad, resulting in a massive fire fight. Facing a hail of gun fire and shots, a savior carries Veora to safety. Survival is her first focus, but the decision to stay or leave isn’t far off. The question she must answer is about loyalty; remain with the only family she’s ever known or runaway with the only man that’s truly ever loved her.

Keywords: Urban Street Fiction, Side Chick, Cuffing Season, Urban Books, African American Books Free, Urban Books Free, Urban Fiction, Urban Literature, African American Romance, Free, Free Book, Freebie, Side Chick Romance, Urban, Urban African American, Urban Books, Free eBook, Free Side Chick, Urban Books Black Authors Free, Urban Books Black Authors Free, Urban Lit, Side Chicks

Getting Out Of The Game
Book 1 ·
Veora Arnold is working hard to climb from underneath her man’s, Zhaire Simon, shadow and ascend the ranks of the Spider Gang. While she loves him and the gang, she is beginning to question whether the life is sustainable, much to the delight of her secret love and high school sweetheart, Ethridge Nash. For the past year, he has been unable to convince her to get out, but he’s hoping a recent shooting will set her straight.


Being the King Pin he is, it’s no surprise that Zhaire has a flock of women at his disposal, but his most recent conquest, Ranisha Ware give Veora cause to pause. Immediately upon meeting her, she questions the woman’s occupation as a bank teller. Her warnings to Zhaire about discussing the heist job in front of her go ignored as does her attempts to convince him that the gang isn’t ready.

Just as she predicted, the heist goes bad, resulting in a massive fire fight. Facing a hail of gun fire and shots, a savior carries Veora to safety. Survival is her first focus, but the decision to stay or leave isn’t far off. The question she must answer is about loyalty; remain with the only family she’s ever known or runaway with the only man that’s truly ever loved her.

Keywords: Urban Street Fiction, Side Chick, Cuffing Season, Urban Books, African American Books Free, Urban Books Free, Urban Fiction, Urban Literature, African American Romance, Free, Free Book, Freebie, Side Chick Romance, Urban, Urban African American, Urban Books, Free eBook, Free Side Chick, Urban Books Black Authors Free, Urban Books Black Authors Free, Urban Lit, Side Chicks

Getting Out Of The Game 2
Book 2 ·
An important decision must be made that can no longer be avoided. Despite Zhaire telling her he won’t commit to being official, Ranisha’s already in too deep to turn back. After learning about the Spiders’ heist job, she is forced into a balancing act that features two conflicting dreams; being with Zhaire and being APD Police Captain. Each day, the walls close in more.


Complicating matters is Zhaire’s ex, Shawnta Ray. One slip up throws everything into jeopardy and turns Shawnta from a harmless ex to an enemy. As time wears on, love proves to be the stronger influence.

Ranisha does everything she can to keep Zhaire out of trouble, but there is another woman in his life that threatens to destroy all of her hard work, Veora Arnold. Just when she thinks she has a grip on the situation, everything comes to a head. Fate has forced her to make a choice. Veora or Zhaire? Her love or her job? No matter what she chooses, her life is changed forever.

Keywords: Urban Street Fiction, Side Chick, Cuffing Season, Urban Books, African American Books, Urban Fiction, Urban Literature, African American Romance, Side Chick Romance, Urban, Urban African American, Urban Books, Urban eBooks, Urban Books Black Authors, Urban Books Black Authors, Urban Lit, Side Chicks

Getting Out Of The Game 3
Book 3 ·
Things are coming to a head as the lives of Ranisha, Ethridge, Zhaire, and Shawnta collide. Using Veora as bait, Shawnta figures she can get rid both of her competitors in the fight for Zhaire’s love. There is just one problem, Veora’s old flame, Ethridge. After finding out that she’s been kidnapped, he will stop at nothing to save her. In the midst of the rescue operation, Ethridge much chose between being the caregiver within him or the part of him that wants to bring an end to Zhaire.

As with most situations, pain creates a bond between two individuals. This is true for Ethridge and Ranisha, who eventually find themselves the target of Zhaire’s destructive rampage. Half truths and whole lies bring them together. In one another, they find hope for the future.

But good things never last.

The men face off in a final battle, in which the woman of their affections, will determine their fate. Once again, Ranisha finds herself behind the trigger, the decision of who lives and dies in her hands. Good guy or King Pin? Present or Future?

No matter who she chooses, no one’s life will be the same. 

Keywords: Urban Street Fiction, Side Chick, Cuffing Season, Urban Books, African American Books, Urban Fiction, Urban Literature, African American Romance, Side Chick Romance, Urban, Urban African American, Urban Books, Urban eBooks, Urban Books Black Authors, Urban Books Black Authors, Urban Lit, Side Chicks

Getting Out Of The Game 4
Book 4 ·
After having avoided him for as long as she could, Veora realizes she must face Zhaire. Realizing that Ethridge is dead, she must gather all her resolve and strength to bring the longstanding rivalry to an end. In the middle of trying to figure out how to rid her life of Zhaire, she meets a new mysterious man, Army veteran Kennin Hudson. Little does she know, they are more connected by more than just the death of his grandmother, which he has returned to avenge. Seeing a way out in him, Veora hatches a plan to get him to help her with her Zhaire problem, but before she can put her plan into action, the past resurfaces. The gang she helped rob wants retribution, and they will stop at nothing to get it. Veora—once again—finds herself at a crossroads: help herself and finally get out from under Zhaire’s thumb or maintain her loyalty to the gang.

Keywords:Urban Street Fiction, Side Chick, Cuffing Season, Urban Books, African American Books, Urban Fiction, Urban Literature, African American Romance, Side Chick Romance, Urban, Urban African American, Urban Books, Urban eBooks, Urban Books Black Authors, Urban Books Black Authors, Urban Lit, Side Chicks