A Crystal Lake Novel

Latest release: February 29, 2020

About this ebook series

Cam Booker learned the hard way that commitment and love aren’t for him. Fresh out of a relationship that nearly saw him go to jail, he’s focused on building a life and his business. But when he suddenly finds himself responsible for a motherless five-year-old, his world is turned upside down. What does he know about caring for a little girl? On top of that, his newest client, the notorious widow Banes is definitely the kind of trouble he doesn’t need.

Which is too bad for Cam. Because trouble is one thing that always seems to find him. And this kind of trouble could be disastrous.

Bluebell Banes hides behind a cool façade of disinterest and money. She’s knows what the locals think of her—Vegas showgirl hit it big when elderly David Banes married her. But they don’t know the pain she carries, or the past she’s running from. They don’t know the desire Cam Booker stirs in her, or the yearning his little girl evokes. The man has her thinking of things she shouldn’t be thinking about. Forbidden things. Complicated things. Blue doesn’t do complicated. It’s too much trouble and there are too many risks.

And the biggest risk of all is something she’s guarded for years, her heart.

The Thing About Trouble
Book 1 · Sep 2018 ·
Cam Booker learned the hard way that commitment and love aren’t for him. Fresh out of a relationship that nearly saw him go to jail, he’s focused on building a life and his business. But when he suddenly finds himself responsible for a motherless five-year-old, his world is turned upside down. What does he know about caring for a little girl? On top of that, his newest client, the notorious widow Banes is definitely the kind of trouble he doesn’t need.

Which is too bad for Cam. Because trouble is one thing that always seems to find him. And this kind of trouble could be disastrous.

Bluebell Banes hides behind a cool façade of disinterest and money. She’s knows what the locals think of her—Vegas showgirl hit it big when elderly David Banes married her. But they don’t know the pain she carries, or the past she’s running from. They don’t know the desire Cam Booker stirs in her, or the yearning his little girl evokes. The man has her thinking of things she shouldn’t be thinking about. Forbidden things. Complicated things. Blue doesn’t do complicated. It’s too much trouble and there are too many risks.

And the biggest risk of all is something she’s guarded for years, her heart.
That Thing You Do
Book 2 ·
All her life, tomboy Molly Malone, has been one of the guys. When her brother decides to get married it means the gang will reunite, but more importantly it means Nate Jacobs will finally come home. With the impending nuptials looming fast and a family that can barely put together a grocery list, Molly will be tested like never before. To make matters worse, one look from Nate confirms he’s still her kryptonite and that her teenage crush is now something more. He's only ever thought of her as ‘one of the boys’ and to protect her heart, she’s determined to keep it that way.

At thirty years of age, sports agent Nate Jacobs has got it all. Dream job, nice home, expensive car, and all the eye candy he can handle. But lately he’s realized something is missing. He just doesn’t know what it is. So, coming home to Crystal Lake for his buddy’s wedding is a welcome distraction. He can kick back, relax and get his head on straight. The only problem? Molly Malone. She’s still the pain in the ass she always was, so why is he thinking things he shouldn’t be? Like kissing her? Like what is underneath those baggy jeans? She’s also acting weird and that makes him wonder, what the hell is she hiding?

A Little Bit Of Christmas
Book 3 · Nov 2019 ·
A Crystal Lake novella…

For ex-con, Cash Bodine, surprising his sister at Christmas just got complicated. His plan to blow into Crystal Lake and then leave is squashed when a winter storm settles in, stranding him at a motel outside of town. He has no choice but to hunker down and make the best of it, and while the woman next door intrigues him, he has no desire to get tangled up in her life. He’s not sticking around past the holidays, so why bother?

Chess Somers stopped believing in Christmas when she was eight and her father left. With an empty bank account, an alcoholic mother in her care, and more bills than she can deal with, she’s not looking for a Christmas miracle—she’s looking to survive. She’s seen the darker side of life and believes there is no hope. So why does the stranger with the dark eyes make her think she’s wrong?

Love And Other Things
Book 4 ·
Beck Jacobs makes a living restoring and fixing homes. The only thing he can’t fix is himself. A part of him died the night his fiancée was taken, and he’s accepted the fact he’ll live his life alone. What he doesn’t count on is Sidney Barrett, a woman more broken than he is. Surprised at the sparks between them, Beck has to decide whether to stoke those flames and let them spread, or step away and let them burn to ash.


Sid Barrett seems to have it all. Famous for being famous, she’s carved out a life for herself and made a fortune with her lifestyle brand. Burnt out, she escapes to Crystal Lake, her plan to relax and recharge the batteries. Local contractor Beck Jacobs, puts a wrench in that plan. Sid’s already been broken, so the thought of embarking on an affair with a man like Beck scares her. But when your heart has already been shattered, is there anything left to break? 

Love Me Forever
Book 5 · Jan 2020 ·
The summer Poppy Fairbanks turned sixteen she gave Boone Avery her virginity and he stole her heart. For a few blissful months she walked on clouds, until he left Crystal Lake without a word and she never saw him again. The fact that he’s back shouldn’t matter. But it does. And she finds herself thinking about that summer, about his hot kisses and what if… 

And how inconvenient is that? 

Boone Avery came back to Crystal Lake to raise his son. As a man who’s lived his life for everyone but himself, he’s hoping this time around he can do things right. He has no time for romancing a woman, hell, he’s still trying to figure out his own life. But what’s a guy to do when the one that got away is standing right in front of him? Especially when she makes it clear she doesn’t like him all that much. 

If you’re Boone Avery you throw out the playbook and set your own rules, and to hell with consequence.

Shake The Frost
Book 6 · Jan 2020 ·
Ethan Caldwell’s life changed the day his buddy crashed his bike and ended up in a coma. Carrying the blame for that day is one thing, but the torch he carries for his best friend’s wife is something else entirely. He retreated from town; content to rebuild engines and work on custom rides at his place on the lake. This life he’s fallen into is enough, until the one woman he needs to stay away from appears at his door asking for help, and everything changes. 


At thirty-two years of age Emily Davenport is something she thought she’d never be: a widow. Stuck living in the shadows, she clings to the memories of her past and finds herself drawn to the only man who understands her pain, Ethan Caldwell. He wants nothing to do with her, but Emily refuses to give up. Not when he sparks something inside her, something hot. Something alive. 


As winter approaches Crystal Lake, these two lost souls will have to shake the demons from their past, if they want to grab hold of some kind of future together

Slow Kind Of Love
Book 7 ·
Link Major always gets what he wants. An ex footballer and heir to a fortune has made it easy. But the woman he’s in love with isn’t biting. He wants more than she’s willing to give. What’s a cocky Brit to do? The thing he’s best at. He plays dirty. More importantly, he plays to win.

Elise Avery thinks there is no second chance at love for her, and doesn’t need the complication of a much younger man in her life. But he makes her burn like no other. She’s willing to embark on an affair, though she knows he wants more. As their affair heats up the real question becomes, is she brave enough to let him win?

A Crystal Lake Novel Boxed Set 1-3
Book 7 · Feb 2020 ·
This boxed set includes the first three titles in the Crystal Lake Novel series.

The Thing About Trouble: Cam Booker learned the hard way that commitment and love aren’t for him. Fresh out of a relationship that nearly saw him go to jail, he’s focused on building a life and his business. But when he suddenly finds himself responsible for a motherless five-year-old, his world is turned upside down. What does he know about caring for a little girl? On top of that, his newest client, the notorious widow Banes is definitely the kind of trouble he doesn’t need.

That Thing You Do: All her life, tomboy Molly Malone, has been one of the guys. When her brother decides to get married it means the gang will reunite, but more importantly it means Nate Jacobs will finally come home. With the impending nuptials looming fast and a family that can barely put together a grocery list, Molly will be tested like never before. To make matters worse, one look from Nate confirms he’s still her kryptonite and that her teenage crush is now something more. He's only ever thought of her as ‘one of the boys’ and to protect her heart, she’s determined to keep it that way.

A Little Bit of Christmas: For ex-con, Cash Bodine, surprising his sister at Christmas just got complicated. His plan to blow into Crystal Lake and then leave is squashed when a winter storm settles in, stranding him at a motel outside of town. He has no choice but to hunker down and make the best of it, and while the woman next door intrigues him, he has no desire to get tangled up in her life. He’s not sticking around past the holidays, so why bother?