
Latest release: June 19, 2012
Bubble Zoom

About this ebook series

They are the WorldÍs Greatest Super-Heroes. But the members of the fabled Justice League of America are about to learn they aren't the only ones who can band together toward a common goal. The deadliest criminal masterminds of our time appear to be acting in concert „ with a surprising plan that seeks to achieve more good than the JLA ever could! But itÍs just the latest attempt at world domination „ and our heroes strive to expose the truth, to fightƒfor JUSTICE! DC's pantheon of heroes is reimagined by fan-favorite painter Alex Ross (KINGDOM COME, Marvels) and writer Jim Krueger (Earth X, Universe X), with pencil art by Doug Braithwaite (Paradise X) painted by Ross.
Vol 1 · Jun 2012 ·
They are the WorldÍs Greatest Super-Heroes. But the members of the fabled Justice League of America are about to learn they aren't the only ones who can band together toward a common goal. The deadliest criminal masterminds of our time appear to be acting in concert „ with a surprising plan that seeks to achieve more good than the JLA ever could! But itÍs just the latest attempt at world domination „ and our heroes strive to expose the truth, to fightƒfor JUSTICE! DC's pantheon of heroes is reimagined by fan-favorite painter Alex Ross (KINGDOM COME, Marvels) and writer Jim Krueger (Earth X, Universe X), with pencil art by Doug Braithwaite (Paradise X) painted by Ross.