Club Sin

Ultima uscita: 7 marzo 2024

Informazioni su questa serie di ebook

We are the cast-offs, the forgotten, the broken; we are dark, dangerous men haunted by our violent pasts. 

The Guardian collects us, rehabilitates us, and gives us a new lease on life…if we follow a few, simple rules: 

Once you’re in, there’s no going back; never take a life; loyalty to the brotherhood above all.

Seems simple, right? It is, until SHE stumbles into Sin. 

Rev: Club Sin Book 1
Libro 1 · lug 2022 ·
We are the cast-offs, the forgotten, the broken; we are dark, dangerous men haunted by our violent pasts. 

The Guardian collects us, rehabilitates us, and gives us a new lease on life…if we follow a few, simple rules: 

Once you’re in, there’s no going back; never take a life; loyalty to the brotherhood above all.

Seems simple, right? It is, until SHE stumbles into Sin. 

Kane: Club Sin Book 2
Libro 2 · ago 2022 ·
We are the cast-offs, the forgotten, the broken; we are dark, dangerous men haunted by our violent pasts. 

The Guardian collects us, rehabilitates us, and gives us a new lease on life…if we follow a few, simple rules: 

Once you’re in, there’s no going back; never take a life; loyalty to the brotherhood above all.

Then, I meet HER. She’s everything I’m not, and she’s determined to save me from my own past, even as I save her from her present. 

Chance: Club Sin Book 3
Libro 3 · gen 2023 ·
We are the cast-offs, the forgotten, the broken; we are dark, dangerous men haunted by our violent pasts.

The Guardian collects us, rehabilitates us, and gives us a new lease on life…if we follow a few, simple rules:

Once you’re in, there’s no going back; never take a life; loyalty to the brotherhood above all.

SIN is all I know—it’s my whole world. And then I see HER, and everything changes. We share secret scars and sordid sins; we are both shackled to our pasts with no hope for a future…unless we can work together to slay our demons and discover the possibilities love and vulnerability can create. 

Silas: Club Sin Book 4
Libro 4 · mar 2024 ·
We are the cast-offs, the forgotten, the broken; we are dark, dangerous men haunted by our violent pasts.

The Guardian collects us, rehabilitates us, and gives us a new lease on life…if we follow a few, simple rules:

Once you’re in, there’s no going back; never take a life; loyalty to the brotherhood above all.

My brothers, the other Broken Arrows, Club Sin…that’s my life. And then I meet HER on the side of the road, barefoot, battered, and afraid of her own shadow. Immediately, I have one thought: protect her. That’s all I care about. It’s a tall order, because she’s from a world almost as violent as my own. But somewhere along the way, I realize she’s healing me as much as I am her. If we can survive her enemies and mine, life together could be pretty beautiful. That’s a big if, though…