The Chaser Twin Flame

Latest release: March 14, 2024

About this ebook series

It is simply because you just need clarification from your twin flame to know or affirm if they feel the same way you do. Sometimes you wonder if you are in love alone if it is a romantic setting.

Even though others advise you to surrender and trust the universe to bring your twin flame back, you feel doubts within until you get a confirmation from him or her that you are on the same page with them.

Whenever you don’t receive any positive responses or nothing at all, you keep pushing and pushing their buttons only to make the situation worse.

The beauty of it all is that your pushing also triggers frustrations and unpleasant feelings within your twin flame that even though they end up blocking you, the negative feelings need to be confronted. That phase of inner confrontation unravels into deeper personal issues. Whenever healing happens, a running twin flame feels grateful that it was an experience of Self-actualization and confrontation.

I hope this helps you. Stay Blessed!

Twin Flame Running Vs Chasing: A Brief & Direct Self-help Guide
Book 1 · Mar 2024 ·
You know that it is not your everyday romance. Whenever you chase a twin flame, you both go through an energy-purging process. The runner enjoys the chase because it triggers you to confront yourself to understand why feeling the connection scares you. The parties involved in the running and chasing phase don't view the situation objectively. There is no room for judging each other because you both don't know what came over you since you encountered each other. You don't believe you are a runner if you do not know what it is. You later on retrace your awakening process back to the beginning — to your twin flame to confront the situation. To heal, you must have closure. You cannot chase your twin flame away for good.

Stay Blessed!

Answers To Twin Flame Chaser Questions: Do You Know This?
Book 2 · Mar 2024 ·
Are You Asking About This?

Do you believe it when you feel the telepathic connection to your Twin Flame in 5D?

What is the attraction between Twin Flames?

Should you go after your Twin Flame if you are already married?

Do you physically feel your Twin Flame connection within you?

How long does it take to reunite with a Twin Flame after the surrender?

How do you let your Twin Flame go if they are still in a relationship?

If a Twin Flame runner has sex with other people, does it change how they feel for you?

Why is your Twin Flame runner still running from you?

If a Twin Flame chaser focuses on themselves, how does it shift the runner's energy?

What are the typical Twin Flame runner fears?

How can a chaser Twin Flame unify their energy with the runner?

Do you feel sadness from your Twin Flame?

How can a Twin Flame chaser heal their energy?

What are the challenges of the Twin Flame separation phase?

What are the signs of Twin Flame telepathic love?

Does the runner regret blocking the love for the chaser?

How do you take back your energy as a Twin Flame chaser?

Is it necessary to keep out of touch with a Twin Flame?

Is it possible to let go and forget a runner Twin Flame?

What is always going on in a runner Twin Flame's mind during separation?

How do you boost your well-being as a chaser Twin Flame?

How do you feel when you dream of your Twin Flame?

What is the essence of the Twin Flame journey?

How does the Twin Flame soul intimacy feel?

How do you choose happiness as a Twin Flame?

How do you describe the meaning of Twin Flame chasing?

Should you contact your Twin Flame during separation?

Do you feel it when a Twin Flame reunion is near?

What do you do if your Twin Flame is unhappily married?

How does it feel to know that your Twin Flame loves you unconditionally?

How do you stay happy and grounded in your energy as a Twin Flame chaser?

What signs affirm to you that you are actively energetically in sync with your Twin Flame during separation?

Signs of reunion after separation; What makes the Twin Flame chaser stop chasing?

What are the most unforgettable Twin Flame love lessons?

Is it possible to block all the thoughts and feelings for a Twin Flame?

Is there any spell that can make a Twin Flame runner stop running?

Is it possible to stay mad at a Twin Flame?

What do you do to ease the pain of missing a Twin Flame?

What are some Positive affirmations to boost your energy?

What is the Twin Flame runner's perspective during separation?

TWIN FLAME CHASER RULE BOOK: 15 Ways To Enjoy Separation
Book 3 · Mar 2024 ·
After traveling on this twin flame journey for five years, I now understand how to enjoy the separation phase. The ideal goal is to adapt to the changes in your life so that you can grow and evolve into your highest best self. You will eventually become the most authentic version of yourself.

Life is very stressful for the chaser twin flame because you feel disoriented. The separation phase initially takes a toll on you. You have no idea how to handle the situation. You look for help in all sorts of places if you are naive about the twin flame experiences.

Do not worry anymore. I created this book for you as a beginning point to understand any twin flame chaser grief that you feel. It gets easier as you learn to ground yourself in your energy. This book will guide you on how to find your center -- your grounding. It will also guide you on how to grow an emotional muscle to deal with any obstacles that come your way. You will also have figured out the different ways to rediscover yourself. The different ways you can surrender to self-love.

Also, I inserted some affirmations on how to improve and raise your energetic vibration. This book also includes practical ways to keep yourself happy in your little corner of the world. I hope to inspire you to stay hopeful that a reunion with your twin flame will eventually happen.

May you grow, transform, and become the most authentic version of yourself.

Stay Blessed!

Twin Flame Chaser Bliss: Finding Inner Harmony
Book 4 · Mar 2024 ·
This book is a dedication to every twin flame who is well acquainted with the stress of chasing a twin flame. Treat this as your guide to help you progress further on your journey.

The tips in this book come in five different blocks. These blocks represent the most significant areas that a chaser twin flame struggles with. You will learn the following:

How to stop chasing — every twin flame who has chased before will tell you that it is not fun at all chasing a twin flame. You feel constantly restless. You also feel lost and obsessive. This pushes your twin flame further away. So, whatever you do, surrender. Let the universe guide. Also, trust your inner knowing.

How to stay hopeful no matter how tough the going gets -- There is a difference between wishing for a reunion and staying optimistic as you work towards your goals or desires. I always say that it is either all or nothing. You either believe in your reunion or you don’t. You can’t have it both ways.

Choosing between a twin flame and karmic relationships — If you know there is a chance to be with your twin flame in the future, just don’t dangle your temporary relationships in your twin flame’s face. It can be somewhat discouraging when you know that your twin flame seems happy in a karmic relationship. Even though it’s terrifying to move on, you force yourself because no one likes being stuck on the sidelines.

Balancing social media with the twin flame journey — events on social media do not happen in real-time. You will sometimes feel angry, jealous, frustrated, and discouraged if you stalk your twin flame’s social media because they seem happy without you. You will feel trapped in your feelings. You will sometimes wish you had never met him or her. Sometimes it amplifies your obsessive behaviors of chasing.

Working on yourself— you have to embrace the changes that are triggered in life with an open heart. Accept the lessons that you go through so that you can grow. Living as your authentic self is the epitome of happiness. It is total inner freedom. You begin to understand your purpose and the meaning of your existence. There is no way around self-love and self-rediscovery. You must allow yourself to go through every experience.

By the end of this book, you will have already made progress with yourself because it is designed to work with you as you read it.

I wish you more blessings and love on your journey. Stay blessed!

Twin Flame Chaser Dilemma: Drowning in My Sorrows
Book 5 · Mar 2024 ·
If you are drowning in your sorrows while chasing a twin flame, calm down. I have been where you are. Everything is going as planned. Whatever seems to be going wrong might inadvertently work in your best interest. You cannot know and understand everything going on in your twin flame journey. Your mind cannot fathom what is happening; you can only trust the process. It sounds crazy but true — your overreaction to the situation might overwhelm your twin flame with more anxiety and stress that one of you might end up blocking the other. To your surprise, it might be you who might block your twin flame first. So, calm down!

Unfortunately, when they wrote to me, I messed up my chance to keep communicating with my twin flame. I was so overwhelmed and in disbelief that I automatically exploded my feelings to them in response to their text message. I made it a more uncomfortable situation. My twin flame blocked me after initiating contact with me. Our job as twin flames is to learn to uplift ourselves from the old to the new authentic versions without needing validation from each other. It means that Twin Flames must learn to share the connection without losing themselves in the connection. Therefore, instead of nervously waiting for them to return and fix you to be happier, trust how you feel the connection and let the situation be as you focus on redefining your life with the new Awakened Twin Flame Shared Energy to create a life of meaning and purpose in your way.

“When it comes to twin flames, What you seek is seeking you.”

“You are looking for what you already possess.”

Are you stuck in your twin flame dilemma? Here is your first step to getting yourself out of it.

I hope this helps. Stay Blessed!

Twin Flame Chaser Bliss: Finding Healing and Inner Harmony
Book 6 · Mar 2024 ·
This book is a dedication to every twin flame who is well acquainted with the stress of chasing a twin flame. Treat this as your guide to help you progress further on your journey.

The tips in this book come in five different blocks. These blocks represent the most significant areas that a chaser twin flame struggles with. You will learn the following:

How to stop chasing — every twin flame who has chased before will tell you that it is not fun at all chasing a twin flame. You feel constantly restless. You also feel lost and obsessive. This pushes your twin flame further away. So, whatever you do, surrender. Let the universe guide. Also, trust your inner knowing.

How to stay hopeful no matter how tough the going gets -- There is a difference between wishing for a reunion and staying optimistic as you work towards your goals or desires. I always say that it is either all or nothing. You either believe in your reunion or you don't. You can't have it both ways.

Choosing between a twin flame and karmic relationships — If you know there is a chance to be with your twin flame in the future, just don't dangle your temporary relationships in your twin flame's face. It can be somewhat discouraging when you know that your twin flame seems happy in a karmic relationship. Even though it's terrifying to move on, you force yourself because no one likes being stuck on the sidelines.

Balancing social media with the twin flame journey — events on social media do not happen in real-time. You will sometimes feel angry, jealous, frustrated, and discouraged if you stalk your twin flame's social media because they seem happy without you. You will feel trapped in your feelings. You will sometimes wish you had never met him or her. Sometimes it amplifies your obsessive behaviors of chasing.

Working on yourself— you have to embrace the changes that are triggered in life with an open heart. Accept the lessons that you go through so that you can grow. Living as your authentic self is the epitome of happiness. It is total inner freedom. You begin to understand your purpose and the meaning of your existence. There is no way around self-love and self-rediscovery. You must allow yourself to go through every experience.

By the end of this book, you will have already made progress with yourself because it is designed to work with you as you read it.

I wish you more blessings and love on your journey. Stay blessed!

Answers to Twin Flame Chaser Questions: The Running And Chasing Phase
Book 7 · Mar 2024 ·
This next set of questions is carefully curated from my online Twin Flame Community with over 14.5 Million content views to assist any Twin Flame newbies looking for answers. This book is also handy for any Twin Flame who is struggling with the Running and Chasing phase of your journey. After going through some of the questions that other Twin Flames ask, you will not feel alone anymore. You will realize that other Twin Flames are fighting their own battles as much as you are fighting yours. My dream is for all of us Twin Flames to work together to assist each other to grow, transform, and evolve into our best possible selves -- Our true Authentic selves.

May this simple book inspire you to have a fresh perspective on how to advance further on your Twin Flame journey. I wish you blessings and love.

Here are some of the questions to be answered:

What stage comes after surrendering?

Why did my twin flame block me from everything?

What are the special signs that your twin flame is missing you?

Can you not have dreams while on separation from your twin flame?

What are good tips on how they get through the longing for DM in 3D?

Why did my body go through a drastic physical change after meeting my twin flame?

Is it possible to get over a twin flame?

Why could I be doing so well and suddenly feel a strong pull towards my twin flame then it stops? What is happening?

It has been 4 months since my twin flame last contacted me. I have been trying to not focus too much on him, but it is so unbearable. I find my heart aching sometimes, I want to numb the pain so much. What should I do?

Has anyone started following their soul but then start following their head in the twin flame journey? If so, what happened next?

How do I take my energy back from a Twin Flame?

What does it mean when I no longer feel the need to contact my TF and don't feel the push and pull only at peace with him when I see him but still dream of him?

How do you know if your twin flame runner is awakening?

Why did a little fight between me and my twin flame cause separation, and could this fight lead to years of separation?

It's been almost a year since my twin flame and I spoke. Within the past few weeks, we're talking a little here and there, but it feels robotic and flat. No chemistry or emotion is so strong when we do not face to face. Is this normal?

Can twin flames feel each other's pain?

Has the chaser ever almost united with their twin flame but something makes them run, or are they always unconditional and doormats for others?

Stay Blessed!