Twin Flame Separation Phase

5 books

Well, remember how amazing it felt at the beginning? — that beautiful feeling is constant once you find inner harmony and healing. You realize that the feeling of unconditional and the sacredness of your connection don't change but you do!

There are a few realizations here: Firstly, when you feel inner chaos and turmoil before healing, you never hear your inner voice. Your head is filled with doubts and negative thoughts that you feel trapped within yourself. Even though you feel that way — your inner self is always in Union and love at the beginning.

Secondly, as you transcend through your healing journey, your perspective toward yourself, your twin flame, and your situation change. This is partly because every step of healing only re-affirms to you what is already true — you are always in Union.

By the time you reach the epitome of healing, you feel fulfilled by your love connection that a Reunion with him or her is only the icing on the cake.

More so, when a twin flame returns, you are a better authentic person. You are grounded in your natural energy. You also hold the power over your reaction to your reunion.

You are so happy with yourself that you feel free to choose to pursue a relationship or not. If your twin flame is not yet healed, you also have the power to trigger another temporary separation for them to heal deeper.

You hold the power because you are you and you have free will. Don't chase what already belongs to you. Stay grounded in your natural energy. Enjoy the process of self-discovery.

Stay Blessed!