She Professed Herself Pupil of the Wise Man (Manga)

Latest release: May 28, 2024

About this ebook series

Sakamori Kagami has woken up in the world of Ark Earth Online, a game he plays religiously. The catch? Instead of his normal avatar--an old, bearded sorcerer--he finds himself in the body of a girl! Now he must convince the people of this world that he--she--is a pupil of the legendary wise man who vanished without a trace thirty years ago.

She Professed Herself Pupil of the Wise Man (Manga)
Vol 1 · Jul 2021 ·
Sakamori Kagami has woken up in the world of Ark Earth Online, a game he plays religiously. The catch? Instead of his normal avatar--an old, bearded sorcerer--he finds himself in the body of a girl! Now he must convince the people of this world that he--she--is a pupil of the legendary wise man who vanished without a trace thirty years ago.

She Professed Herself Pupil of the Wise Man (Manga)
Vol 2 · Sep 2021 ·
Mira might look like a girl, but in reality, she's an old man--and one of the world's most powerful summoners! On the orders of Solomon, king of Alcait, Mira journeys to the City of Requiem to find Soul Howl, the Wise Man of Necromancy. But not without making a few new friends along the way!
She Professed Herself Pupil of the Wise Man (Manga)
Vol 3 · Dec 2021 ·
Seeking Soul Howl, the Elder of the Tower of Necromancy, Mira has ventured to the Ancient Temple Nebrapolis with her new companions, Tact and Emella. But in the deepest reaches of this dungeon, the trio discovered a demon long thought to be extinct! Will Mira survive long enough to unite her fellow Wise Men?
She Professed Herself Pupil of the Wise Man (Manga)
Vol 4 · Feb 2022 ·
After Mira's success in crushing the zombie uprising, the city of Karanak throws her and her fellow adventurers a party. But during the celebration she meets Cyril, the captain of Écarlate Carillon and a former player, who reveals more of the truth about this game-world-turned-reality. A new adventure at the Alcait Academy begins!
She Professed Herself Pupil of the Wise Man (Manga)
Vol 5 · Jul 2022 ·
After running into fellow summoner Hinata at Alcait Academy, Mira agreed to participate in the school's spell symposium. Danblf's disappearance thirty years ago destroyed summoning's reputation, and it's time for a comeback. Shortly after Mira charms the entire audience with her talents, the sorcery representative, Caerus, challenges her to single combat!
She Professed Herself Pupil of the Wise Man (Manga)
Vol 6 · Aug 2022 ·
Mira returns to the Linked Silver Towers to reveal her true identity to those closest to her, including Mariana, Danblf's trusted attendant. Of course, this doesn't seem to change anyone's opinion that she's still a small, cute girl! But there's very little time for things to get awkward before Mira is swept up in another quest--one that takes her to a huge labyrinth that runs beneath Alcait!
She Professed Herself Pupil of the Wise Man (Manga)
Vol 7 · Dec 2022 ·
Mira makes for an ancient, spirit-inhabited forest in another attempt at locating one of the missing Wise Men, and finds a new group of allies to aid in the quest--and possibly a new adversary! Mira's appearance gives her an advantage in battle, and she's got a few new tricks up her sleeve she's been dying to try out. Is anyone a match for the summoning genius?
She Professed Herself Pupil of the Wise Man (Manga)
Vol 8 · Apr 2023 ·
Mira has received leads on the whereabouts of several of the Nine Wise Men. And what better way to track them down than by train? Silverhorn's newly built railway system can take her all across the continent without the freezing discomfort that comes with flying at high altitudes. The world is about to get a whole lot bigger! But will that make finding the needle in the haystack even more difficult?
She Professed Herself Pupil of the Wise Man (Manga)
Vol 9 · Jul 2023 ·
Having traveled all around the continent by train--and picking up a few new allies on the way--Mira heads back to the Kingdom of Alcait to deliver her findings to Solomon. At least, that's the plan, which falls apart when Mira takes a side trip culminating in an unexpected encounter! What's in store for Mira and her friends? And what of the Nine Wise Men?
She Professed Herself Pupil of the Wise Man (Manga)
Vol 10 · Dec 2023 ·
To stop Chimera Clausen's sinister plot, Solomon sends a letter inviting the Isuzu Alliance to join forces. Mira is tasked with delivering the letter and heads out for the Isuzu Alliance's headquarters in the Forest of Seasons, and relishes the chance to try out her newly completed travel wagon! Even a relaxing trip can't prepare her for what she'll find when she finally arrives--or the important individual she'll encounter!
She Professed Herself Pupil of the Wise Man (Manga)
Vol 11 · May 2024 ·
Mira teams up with powerful members of the Isuzu Alliance to apprehend Chimera Clausen's leader, which means heading into a hundred-level dungeon. There, Mira and her companions encounter a mysterious individual battling the Chimera on his own. Is he an enemy, an ally, or something else? Whatever he is, he may have important information to impart to Mira!