Champions of the Dawning Dragons

Latest release: September 29, 2017

About this ebook series

Gram lives in the long shadow cast by his father, the late-hero, Dorian Thornbear.  Struggling to find his place in a world where politics and wizardry appear to have replaced the need for men of might and main, he must make his own mark.  Trapped within the seemingly safe confines of Castle Cameron, Gram faces both love and tragedy.  His choices will define not only himself, but serve to remind others of his family’s legacy, and the reason only a fool threatens those a Thornbear protects.

Book 1 · Oct 2014 ·
Gram lives in the long shadow cast by his father, the late-hero, Dorian Thornbear.  Struggling to find his place in a world where politics and wizardry appear to have replaced the need for men of might and main, he must make his own mark.  Trapped within the seemingly safe confines of Castle Cameron, Gram faces both love and tragedy.  His choices will define not only himself, but serve to remind others of his family’s legacy, and the reason only a fool threatens those a Thornbear protects.
Centyr Dominance
Book 2 · May 2016 ·
Moira Illeniel was the name she lived by, but her true heritage was more complicated than that. From birth, she was the secretly adopted daughter of the most powerful wizard in the world, but few knew that her true birthright came from the Centyr lineage. Traveling to Dunbar to discover the fate of her vanished father, Moira must face the darker aspects of her power. Forced to fight a foe unlike anything seen before in Lothion, she will learn the reason for the warnings her mother’s shade gave her—why certain abilities should never be used and some lines never crossed—for some doors once opened, might never be closed again.
Book 3 · Sep 2017 ·
Matthew is the first human wizard to possess the true heritage of the Illeniels, a secret gift no one fully understands. Alone, he travels to another world, seeking the source of their mysterious enemies. There he will discover the origin of their ancient foe, the mysteries of the past, and possibly the future of humankind. If he can survive long enough. In a land beyond death and suffering, he finds the true source of evil, within the heart of humanity, and their newest creation. In the search for knowledge, some doors, once opened, can never be closed.