The Legal Affairs Series

Dernière date de sortie : 27 juin 2023

À propos de cette série d'e-books

One year ago, I graduated from law school and embarked on a career as a purveyor of high priced legal shenanigans.
Six months ago, my boyfriend dumped me when I thought he might be proposing.
Two weeks ago, I got drunk and joined a secret sex club.
Two days ago, I had a torrid one-night stand with a stranger.
Today? My one-night stand is no longer a stranger.
Today, he’s my new boss.

Matt Connover is all kinds of forbidden temptation wrapped up in a deliciously wicked package, and he’s made it clear… he’s only interested in sex.

My name is McKayla Dawson, and I work at the powerhouse firm of Connover & Crown, LLP, where the law has never felt so hot.

But between you and me, I’m afraid my heart won’t survive these Legal Affairs.

Legal Affairs is a stand alone, full length erotic novel. It follows the illicit office affair of Matt Connover and McKayla Dawson and it’s told strictly from the heroine’s point of view. Confessions of a Litigation God is a companion novel to Legal Affairs and is the same story but told from the hero’s point of view with a lot of bonus content and an extended epilogue.

Legal Affairs: McKayla's Story
Livre 1 · janv. 2018 ·
One year ago, I graduated from law school and embarked on a career as a purveyor of high priced legal shenanigans.
Six months ago, my boyfriend dumped me when I thought he might be proposing.
Two weeks ago, I got drunk and joined a secret sex club.
Two days ago, I had a torrid one-night stand with a stranger.
Today? My one-night stand is no longer a stranger.
Today, he’s my new boss.

Matt Connover is all kinds of forbidden temptation wrapped up in a deliciously wicked package, and he’s made it clear… he’s only interested in sex.

My name is McKayla Dawson, and I work at the powerhouse firm of Connover & Crown, LLP, where the law has never felt so hot.

But between you and me, I’m afraid my heart won’t survive these Legal Affairs.

Legal Affairs is a stand alone, full length erotic novel. It follows the illicit office affair of Matt Connover and McKayla Dawson and it’s told strictly from the heroine’s point of view. Confessions of a Litigation God is a companion novel to Legal Affairs and is the same story but told from the hero’s point of view with a lot of bonus content and an extended epilogue.
Confessions of a Litigation God: Matt's Story
Livre 2 · mai 2014 ·

My name is Matt Connover. I am a Litigation God. Other lawyers quake before me. Women crawl on their knees just to spend the night in my bed and when I’m finished with them, I walk away without a backward glance. I am well satisfied with my life and there isn’t a damn thing I’d change about it.

That is, until McKayla Dawson came along.

She was meant to be for one night only. But she got under my skin, and now I want her back underneath my body.

It’s torture working with her in my law firm… day in and day out. But I have to think maybe the Fates have intervened to throw us together because she is unlike anyone I’ve ever known, and thus I need to pay careful attention to these Legal Affairs.

Confessions of a Litigation God is a stand alone, full length novel. It follows the affair of Matt Connover and McKayla Dawson as told in Legal Affairs. This book is told strictly from Matt's point of view and has many additional scenes as well as an extended epilogue. You do not need to have read Legal Affairs to enjoy this novel.

Clash: Cal and Macy's Story Book 1
Livre 3 · avr. 2015 ·
Clash (verb): to conflict, disagree

It might be fair to say that I despise Macy Carrington. She slings insults with precision, not caring about the destruction she leaves in her wake. We clash in a battle of wills every time we’re around each other, and yet… I still fantasize about being lodged deep within her body.

Clash (verb): to come together or collide

I have never encountered someone that grates me the way Cal Carson does. His pompous, arrogant demeanor. A holier-than-thou attitude. Any interaction with “Saint Cal” ends in a verbal clash of epic proportions, and yet… there’s no one I’d rather have in my bed than him.

Clash (noun): a battle, fight or skirmish

Her breathy moans mingle with the sound of our flesh coming together, clashing with the silence that surrounds us, dispelling any notions I once had about Macy Carrington.

Maybe I can break down her walls if we can call a truce to this battle.

He whispers filthy words in my ear, provoking feelings I never knew were possible. The burning desire in his touch clashes with everything I once believed about Cal Carson.

Maybe he can be the balm I need to soothe my broken soul, if only temporarily.

**Cal and Macy’s story is a trilogy within the Legal Affairs series. All three books—Clash, Grind and Yield—must be read in order. You do not have to read the other Legal Affairs books to understand this trilogy.
Grind: Cal and Macy's Story Book 2
Livre 4 · avr. 2015 ·
Grind (verb): to weaken or destroy gradually

Macy Carrington is not the woman I once thought her to be. 

What she does not allow her heart to feel, she gives with her body. The sex between us is explosive and depraved. I’ve done things with her that would never have crossed my wildest imagination, and I can’t ever seem to get enough.

But now I want more from her. I want to figure out her dark secret, expose it and then help her to heal from it. I know, without a doubt, that Macy is capable of love, and I will grind her down until I make her accept the truth of it. 

Grind (verb): to wear down, polish, or sharpen by friction

Cal Carson is not the man I once thought him to be. 

Strong, determined, sexy as hell and a beast in the bedroom. He is every woman’s fantasy. 

He is my fantasy. 

But no matter how hard Cal tries to grind me down, my heart and secrets are mine and mine alone.

**Cal and Macy’s story is a trilogy within the Legal Affairs series. All three books—Clash, Grind and Yield—must be read in order. You do not have to read the other Legal Affairs books to understand this trilogy.

Yield: Cal and Macy's Story Book 3
Livre 5 · mai 2015 ·
Yield (verb): to surrender or submit (oneself) to another

Macy Carrington is broken. The strong, beautiful woman that I’ve unwittingly fallen in love with is all kinds of broken from a secret that she has carried for far too long.

A secret so dark, she has gone to great lengths to protect it. 

A secret that I’m terrified will one day rip her away from me.

The only time Macy frees herself from the darkness is when she is naked and in my arms. When I am deep inside her body, there is nothing she fears. When she wraps herself around me, she is at peace. 

If she would only yield to me completely, I know I can set her free.

**Cal and Macy’s story is a trilogy within the Legal Affairs series. All three books—Clash, Grind and Yield—must be read in order. You do not have to read the other Legal Affairs books to understand this trilogy.

Friction: Reeve and Leary's Story
Livre 6 · juin 2023 ·
Leary Michaels has no problem using her feminine charms to daze her legal adversaries so they don’t see her coming in for the kill. On her most personal case yet, she finds herself battling an attorney who’s just as skilled, seductive and shamelessly determined to beat her at her own game.

As a partner at Knight & Payne, I know what it takes to succeed—hard work, long hours and occasionally turning up my female powers of persuasion. I’m not afraid to show a little skin if it’s going to get me what I want and I’ve been known to ignore the ethics rules a time or two.

The opponent on my current case is nothing but a sleazy corporate lawyer willing to sell his soul to the devil to help his rich clients get richer by sticking it to innocent people like my client. No matter how devastatingly handsome Reeve Holloway is, I have zero qualms messing with his head… both above and below his belt. I’ve deviously planned out our first meeting and one excruciatingly long elevator ride at the courthouse leaves me with my stockings down, Reeve begging for more and the two of us on a decidedly unethical path to the bedroom.

As the case and our dalliance go on, I find that my initial impression of Reeve couldn’t be further from reality. What starts as a couple of workaholics blowing off steam turns into something deeper than we ever wanted. But pillow talk can be dangerous when you’re walking a moral line and Reeve’s law firm has made it clear they’ll stop at nothing to win.

When the gavel comes down on our case, I can’t help but feel as if I’m losing everything I’ve worked so hard to attain. As our hearts become more entwined, can we find a way to battle in the courtroom or will the friction cause our love to burn to ashes?

NOTE: Friction: Reeve and Leary’s Story was originally released as Friction by Montlake in 2015. This tale of two attorneys battling it out in the courtroom received a fresh polish but the story remains the same—smart, sassy and smoking hot.

The Pecker Briefs: Ford and Viveka's Story
Livre 7 · avr. 2018 ·
I never thought a pecker would get me in so much trouble.

I mean, sure… if you’re talking about a certain anatomical feature of mine that the ladies just love. Given my bachelor status and appreciation for all things curvy and feminine, I could absolutely see that. But a different pecker is making my life much harder than it needs to be.

My name is Ford Daniels, partner at the law firm of Knight & Payne, and my latest case has me wading through the finer points of peckers—woodpeckers that is. Specifically, the red-cockaded woodpecker. I swear, I can’t make this stuff up but that’s what the sexy-as-hell blonde chained to a tree told me this morning.

Her name is Viveka Jones and she is so much more than a pretty face. She’s got wit, charm, and razor-sharp smarts. Turns out my client is looking to bulldoze the red-cockaded woodpecker’s natural habitat in favor of a multimillion-dollar subdivision and the sexy attorney with legs for days (and days), just happens to be counsel for an animal rights group looking to put a halt to construction.

My client’s pissed, but all I can think about is getting Viveka across the table from me. And then on the table underneath me. Perhaps up against the wall. And then—

Well, let’s just say when it’s all said and done, I’m hoping the red-cockaded woodpecker isn’t the only pecker that gets some attention from Miss Viveka Jones.

Sexy Lies and Rock & Roll: Evan and Emma's Story
Livre 8 · nov. 2016 ·
From New York Times Bestselling author, Sawyer Bennett, comes a SEXY new stand alone romance…

When you're a rock god, fame and fortune are your two best friends, but they can be fickle bed mates. It seems everyone wants a piece of me. I'm being sued, pressured to sign contracts, and fending off rabid women who want to steal my virtue. Just kidding on that one. We all know I don't have much virtue left. 

That's why I need Emma Peterson. The sharp-as-a-tack and sexy-as-sin lawyer saved my ass before and I know she can do it again. The only problem is that sweet, prim and totally straight-laced Emma doesn't want anything to do with me. Not professionally, and certainly not personally. 

But c'mon. Everyone wants me, and even though it would take a crow bar of epic proportions to get her to spread those sexy legs for me, all I want is her mind. I swear. Her beautiful, brilliant mind to make sense of my crazy world. Good thing I have something up my sleeve to get her to say “yes”. Some might call it blackmail. I call it something else.

Looks like Emma Peterson just became my biggest defender. If only I can resist wanting to screw my attorney six ways to Sunday.

*Sexy Lies and Rock & Roll is a sexy stand alone and can be read independent of the other Legal Affairs books.