Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor

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Latest release: November 1, 2017

About this ebook series

The Ninth Doctor is BACK with a brand-new miniseries: WEAPONS OF PAST DESTRUCTION!

Leaving World War II behind, The Ninth Doctor, Rose and Captain Jack discover that Time Lord technology, lost in the wake of the Time War, is being sold on the intergalactic black market!

Now the threat of a NEW temporal war brews on the horizon, with the Doctor and his friends caught between the twin threats of the Unon and the Lect ¨C two species with intertwined histories who are jostling to replace the Time Lords on the universal stage.

Can the Doctor stop history repeating itself?
Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor: Weapons of Mass Destruction Complete Collection
Vol 1, 5 issues · Feb 2016 ·
The Ninth Doctor is BACK with a brand-new miniseries: WEAPONS OF PAST DESTRUCTION! Leaving World War II behind, The Ninth Doctor, Rose and Captain Jack discover that Time Lord technology, lost in the wake of the Time War, is being sold on the intergalactic black market! Now the threat of a NEW temporal war brews on the horizon, with the Doctor and his friends caught between the twin threats of the Union and the Lect – two species with intertwined histories who are jostling to replace the Time Lords on the universal stage. Can the Doctor stop history repeating itself? Collects The Ninth Doctor #1-5
Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor
Vol 1, 5 issues · Feb 2016 ·
The Ninth Doctor is BACK with a brand-new miniseries: WEAPONS OF PAST DESTRUCTION!

Leaving World War II behind, The Ninth Doctor, Rose and Captain Jack discover that Time Lord technology, lost in the wake of the Time War, is being sold on the intergalactic black market!

Now the threat of a NEW temporal war brews on the horizon, with the Doctor and his friends caught between the twin threats of the Unon and the Lect ¨C two species with intertwined histories who are jostling to replace the Time Lords on the universal stage.

Can the Doctor stop history repeating itself?

Collects The Ninth Doctor #1-5

Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor: Doctormania Complete Collection
Vol 2 · Dec 2016 ·
The Ninth Doctor, Rose and Captain Jack continue their trip through the Universe! Someone is impersonating the Doctor – and has made him into a galactic celebrity! But something far more sinister is going on, as the trio are plunged into yet another shapeshifting civil war… The Slitheen are back! And just as they think their trip can’t get any worse, living gargoyles invade San Francisco and residents begin to fly…

Writer Cavan Scott (Who-Ology, Doctor Who Event 2016) and artists Adriana Melo (Star Wars: Empire, Birds of Prey) and Cris Bolson (The Shadow) continue the all new adventures of these beloved characters! 

Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor: Official Secrets Complete Collection
Vol 3, #6-10 · Jun 2017 ·
Team TARDIS are in hot pursuit of a monster they accidentally sent back to the 1970s (or is it the 1980s?) – only to find colossal kaiju tearing up the Bristol channel, and UNIT out of their depth! A face from the Doctor’s past may have all the answers. Next, the search for Jack’s missing memories takes the TARDIS to 17th century Brazil, and into the grip of slavers both alien and all-too-human! Will Jack find what he seeks – or lose the trust of his friends?

Writer Cavan Scott (Tekken, Vikings, Doctor Who: Supremacy of the Cybermen) and artists Adriana Melo (Star Wars: Empire, Birds of Prey) and Cris Bolson (The Shadow) continues to explore the Ninth Doctor’s hidden depths.

Collects Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor #6-10

Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor: Sin Eaters
Vol 4, #11-15 · Nov 2017 ·
“Truly unique and memorable.” – Kabooooom

All-new adventures with the Ninth Doctor!

Two staggering adventures see the Doctor and his companions facing psyche-shattering conspiracies and ancient secrets! First, the Doctor goes undercover at a prisoner rehabilitation facility held within a collapsing singularity… Meanwhile, Captain Jack has left the TARDIS and when the object of an assassination he was supposedly responsible for turns up alive and well, Jack must delve deep into a past he would rather leave behind!

Writer Cavan Scott (Who-Ology, Doctor Who Event 2016) and artists Adriana Melo (Star Wars: Empire, Birds of Prey) and Cris Bolson (The Shadow) explore the hidden depths of The Ninth Doctor and crew’s ongoing adventures!

Collects Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor #11-15.

“By far one of the most interesting Doctor Who comics.” – Fanboy Nation 

“Nothing short of sensational!” – Snappow

Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor
Issue #1 · Apr 2015 ·
The Ninth Doctor is BACK with a brand-new miniseries: WEAPONS OF PAST DESTRUCTION!

Leaving World War II behind, The Ninth Doctor, Rose and Captain Jack discover that Time Lord technology, lost in the wake of the Time War, is being sold on the intergalactic black market!

Now the threat of a NEW temporal war brews on the horizon. Can the Doctor stop history repeating itself?

Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor
Issue #2 · Jun 2015 ·
Don’t miss the second thrilling installment of Weapons Of Past Destruction – an all-new miniseries adventure featuring the Ninth Doctor – as played by Christopher Eccleston – along with fan-favorite companions Rose and Jack!

Get dragged into the Time Vortex as the Doctor and his friends uncover time-lost Gallifreyan super-weapons being sold on the black market!

Who are the cosmically-empowered Lect and Unon – and can the Doctor help stop an all-new Time War before it starts?!

Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor
Issue #2 · May 2016 ·
The ongoing adventures of the Doctor, Rose and Captain Jack continue, as Part 2 of 'DOCTORMANIA' confronts the three with a solar system wide conspiracy, an intergalactic crime family, a murderous case of acid rain, and, more importantly, the return of an unexpected old foe in a hideous new guise!
Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor: Weapons of Past Destruction
Issue #3 · Jul 2015 ·
The hotly-anticipated Weapons of Past Destruction continues, as the Doctor, Rose and Jack are trapped in an alien bazaar, caught in a heavily-armed standoff between the overpowered Unon and the Lect – as the nearby star threatens to go supernova!
Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor
Issue #3 · Jun 2016 ·
Yes, the Doctor, Rose and Captain Jack are once again entangled with the Slitheen ¨C or, to be more precise, they've fallen into the middle of a Raxacoricofallapatorian civil war! You've never seen these skinsuit-wearing shapeshifters in their natural hunting grounds... or witnessed them this terrifying! Trust no one!
Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor: Weapons of Past Destruction
Issue #4 · Oct 2015 ·
Jack alone in a vortex-stranded TARDIS, surrounded by the hostile Unon!

The truth about the armored Lect, as Rose is taken prisoner!

Shocking secrets from the Time War revealed, as the Doctor plays both sides!

Causality collapses, and the Doctor must put it right!

And a last page cliffhanger that will shock you to your core!

Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor
Issue #4 · Aug 2016 ·
The Doctor, Rose, and Captain Jack, bouncing back from their most recent adventure with a destructive doppelganger, run into a most unexpected face! As the Doctor struggles to keep Rose apart from an element of her future she cannot know, Jack discovers another twist on his missing past that complicates his present!
Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor: Weapons of Past Destruction
Issue #5 · Dec 2015 ·
'Weapons of Past Destruction' concludes!

Did we really just read last issue's staggering cliffhanger? Has one of the Doctor's beloved companions flipped sides?

The final conflict between the Unon and the Lect ¨C will one of them take the Time Lords' place as the guardians of the universe?

One more outing with the Ninth Doctor, Rose and Captain Jack! If you want more ¨C you have to let us know!!!

Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor
Issue #5 · Sep 2016 ·
Modern-day Seattle sees the Doctor, Jack, and Rose pulled into a city-wide civil war between strangely empowered citizens. But when they start mutating into horrendous monsters, the Doctor and friends find themselves out of their depth! Fighting side by side with a face from his future, can the Doctor restore normalcy to the city before it's completely overrun?
Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor
Issue #6 · Oct 2016 ·
Welcome back to the 70s (or is it the 80s?)! The Doctor becomes entangled once more with the forces of UNIT when a cache of potentially devastating top secret material is leaked to the media. But does the UNIT whistleblower have a point? Alien invasion and internecine intrigue combine in an explosive new story.
Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor
Issue #7 · Nov 2016 ·
The intrigue continues! While Jack infiltrates the UNIT barracks in search of the truth, Rose gets an idea of the Doctor's life before she met him. And the Doctor is overwhelmed by a glimpse back into a 'simpler' time, when he didn't have the weight of the Time War on his shoulders...
Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor: Official Secrets Part 3
Issue #8 · Dec 2016 ·
UNIT agent Tara Mishra is on the verge of whistleblowing the existence of aliens to the British public, after rampaging daikaiju have been spotted in the English Channel! Can the Doctor, Rose, and Jack prevent her from changing the course of the 20th century by revealing the truth… and do they even want to? Plus! A new companion aboard the TARDIS – and a new thread in the unravelling weave of Jack’s missing memories! 
Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor
Issue #9 · Jan 2017 ·
The Ninth Doctor, Rose, and Jack head to Brazil on the next stop of their transtemporal mystery tour. The Iara have long been thought a Brazilian myth, but when these unearthly mercreatures prove to be aquatic aliens making an unscheduled stop on planet Earth, the TARDIS team must establish their intentions and broker peace across the water barrier...! 
Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor
Issue #10 · Mar 2017 ·
The Ninth Doctor, Rose, and Jack head to Brazil on the next stop of their transtemporal mystery tour. The Iara have long been thought a Brazilian myth, but when these unearthly mercreatures prove to be aquatic aliens making an unscheduled stop on planet Earth, the TARDIS team must establish their intentions and broker peace across the water barrier...! 
Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor
Issue #11 · Mar 2017 ·
The Doctor has been in some sticky spots in his time – but locked up in a space prison is a new one! And this is no ordinary prison... located at the heart of a time maelstrom and practising some very unconventional disciplinary methods, this may finally be one trap from which the Doctor cannot escape!
Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor
Issue #12 · Apr 2017 ·
With the Doctor stuck in a space prison where monsters ‘eat’ the sins of prisoners, Rose has cut her work cut out to save him! And one thing they certainly weren’t counting on, was that the Doctor’s dark side would become its own sentient, and terrifying being!
Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor
Issue #13 · May 2017 ·
Absolved for the murder of Tara Mishra, the Doctor successfully defeated his evil doppelganger – a sentient entity formed from his worst impulses and darkest desires. With the help of Rose and Tara, the Doctor cast the monster in the Void – the empty space between the universes.

But where was Captain Jack? After his objectionable actions as a Time Agent were revealed, he left the TARDIS in shame… But he can’t hide from his friends – or his past – for long.  

Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor: The Bidding War (Part 1)
Issue #14 · Jul 2017 ·
With some knowledge of his past life apparently restored, Jack is determined to put right his misdeeds as a Time Agent – in particular, stopping his past self from erasing the criminal Zloy Volk from the timeline, using an Eradicator gun. But… Zloy Volk is very much alive. How?! Even worse, in the process of stopping his past self from erasing Volk all over again, Jack was seemingly erased. The Doctor, Rose, and Tara are on the scene...
Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor: The Bidding War Part 2
Issue #15 · Aug 2017 ·
The Doctor, Rose, and Tara caught up with Jack when he tried to fix his past mistakes, but his attempts to change fate only landed the team into deeper trouble! The Doctor’s memories are up for sale, with the secrets of the Time War at risk of being revealed to the highest bidder…