The Stone Brothers


About this ebook series

Deacon Stone is the worst kind of monster. One who fools the world while wrapped in a five-thousand-dollar suit. Holding me hostage is nothing to him. Neither is threatening my life or my father’s if he doesn’t get what he wants. But what about when what he wants is me? I should hate the man. I should despise every fiber of his being and fight to escape. Yet the longer I spend I with my captor, the harder it becomes to deny the truth. I’m more than just Deacon’s captive. And he’s becoming my everything.

My Captive
Book 1 ·
Deacon Stone is the worst kind of monster. One who fools the world while wrapped in a five-thousand-dollar suit. Holding me hostage is nothing to him. Neither is threatening my life or my father’s if he doesn’t get what he wants. But what about when what he wants is me? I should hate the man. I should despise every fiber of his being and fight to escape. Yet the longer I spend I with my captor, the harder it becomes to deny the truth. I’m more than just Deacon’s captive. And he’s becoming my everything.
My Oppenent
Book 2 ·
Dante Stone is a shark in the courtroom. He’s even more dangerous outside of it. The family attorney has protected them from facing the consequences of what they’ve done for far too long. It’s time they all paid the price. And I’m the one who will bring them down. In theory. In reality, the man’s charm is too much even for me to resist. My career and my mission are my life. But that silver-tongued devil has managed to derail them both with a quick smile and well-played hand. So much for the ethics I’ve always hung my hat on. They went out the door the moment I fell into bed with Dante Stone.
My Bet
Book 3 ·
Caleb Stone’s life is partying, fast cars, and even faster women. He’s the king of Miami. Precisely the kind of man I avoid and who is oblivious to good girls like me. Yet when he comes to my rescue and asks for my help, I can’t turn him away. Not even when our professional relationship crosses the line into very personal.

All the things telling me it’s wrong morph into reasons it’s right. But a man like Caleb always has a hidden agenda. And his won’t just break my heart. It could take my life.

My Obsession
Book 4 ·
Oliver Stone is the golden boy. The one who fits right into the glitz and glamor of Hollywood. But behind the façade lies the true man. One I should fear. The man doesn’t understand boundaries. He takes what he wants and expects to give nothing in return. And his sights are set on me. I know who and what he is. I should stay far away. Yet the more he inserts himself into my life, the more difficult it is to fight his pull. I’m Oliver’s obsession. And he’s slowly becoming mine.