A Sidney Stone - Private Investigator (Paranormal) Mystery

Latest release: February 17, 2021

About this ebook series

Imagine seeing your future... in 3-second intervals...

Introducing Sidney Stone — Private Investigator - She's smart, she's tough and she never gives up!

Sidney Stone isn't rich, if she doesn't work she doesn't get paid. A private investigator's life can be tough in the motor city of Detroit.

But she has a few tricks up her sleeve...

Like being able to see into her immediate future. Her very immediate future!

Returning home after completing her latest case, Sidney Stone discovers her next client waiting for her.

Nothing out of the ordinary there except he is holding a large package addressed to her.

She's not expecting anything so who's sending her a package? It's so large, what could be inside?

Little does she know that the package contents will change her life!

And who is this man and what problem does he have for Sidney to solve?

Get your copy of Cast the First Stone today, to find out!

Cast the FIRST Stone: A Sidney Stone - Private Investigator (Paranormal) Mystery Book 1
Book 1 · Aug 2019 ·
Imagine seeing your future... in 3-second intervals...

Introducing Sidney Stone — Private Investigator - She's smart, she's tough and she never gives up!

Sidney Stone isn't rich, if she doesn't work she doesn't get paid. A private investigator's life can be tough in the motor city of Detroit.

But she has a few tricks up her sleeve...

Like being able to see into her immediate future. Her very immediate future!

Returning home after completing her latest case, Sidney Stone discovers her next client waiting for her.

Nothing out of the ordinary there except he is holding a large package addressed to her.

She's not expecting anything so who's sending her a package? It's so large, what could be inside?

Little does she know that the package contents will change her life!

And who is this man and what problem does he have for Sidney to solve?

Get your copy of Cast the First Stone today, to find out!

SECOND Guessing: A Sidney Stone - Private Investigator (Paranormal) Mystery Book 2
Book 2 · Oct 2019 ·
As far as private eye's go, there aren't many in the business better than Sidney Stone.

Hardened by the Marines, street-wise and honestly caring, Sidney's making a name for herself in certain circles.

It's not just that she can see the future coming her way before it happens, it's her instincts. Her guts. Her way of being able to intuit human nature itself.

Having a best friend who is a wish-granting-genie doesn't hurt, either.

One thing she knows for certain is you never second guess yourself. Always follow your first instinct. It's usually right.

Then again, for some cases you don't just need a second guess, you need a third. Sometimes a fourth.

When an old 'friend' from high school pops back into her life, Sidney's first instinct is to lose her number and pray they never see each other again.

But when that same friend gets charged with murder, and asks for her help, Sidney might just need to rethink things a few times to find the real killer.

Or else prove the cops were right all along. Her client might just be a murderer.

That wouldn't be Sidney's first choice.

That would be her second guess.

Get your copy of Second Guessing today to find out how Sidney solves her dilemma!

THIRD Time's the Charm: A Sidney Stone - Private Investigator (Paranormal) Mystery Book 3
Book 3 · Jan 2020 ·
The theft of an important royal family heirloom finds Sidney Stone on the case once again.

While continuing to look for Arnie Chen's priceless statue Sidney takes on another case, this one about a stolen necklace.

But it's not just any ordinary necklace... and it's no ordinary family from which it has been stolen.

The necklace is charmed and the owner desperately needs it back... or he'll never be human again.

Why would someone want that for him?

Sidney is sure she knows why... all she has to do is figure out who took it.

Will she be able to do that and then free the man so that he can be human once again?

"Yes. My life is just that complicated. Spend some time with me, and all you get is chaos. It’s the good kind of chaos, though. Promise." Sidney Stone - Third Time's the Charm.

FOURTH Degree Burn: A Sidney Stone - Private Investigator (Paranormal) Mystery Book 4
Book 4 · Jul 2020 ·
A man determined to kill himself hadn't counted on Sidney Stone stopping him...

While still working Arnie Chen's ever evolving statue case, Sidney Stone becomes involved in the life of a stranger when he tries to commit suicide, more than once, right in front of her.

The man later insists he would never do that, but he clearly tried to.

Something doesn't add up and Sidney is determined to find out what is going on with him.

Meanwhile, still on the trail of the being who stole the statue she discovers that the Taffy man is more dangerous than even she could have ever imagined.

And if these things aren't enough for Sidney to deal with, her relationships with both Harry and Christian are still strained after they both independently confessed their feelings to her.

When did her life get so complicated and dangerous?

Take the FIFTH: A Sidney Stone - Private Investigator (Paranormal) Mystery Book 5
Book 5 · Oct 2020 ·
Nothing good ever happens when the phone rings in the middle of the night.

Sidney receives a desperate call from a woman who is in a bad way, claiming that her husband is stalking her.

And even though Sidney knows that Arnie Chen will be annoyed with her taking on yet another new case, she takes the woman on as a client anyway.

But there's more to this woman's story than first meets the eye, and nothing is quite as it seems.

Meanwhile Sidney thinks she is close to wrapping up Arnie Chen's missing statue case after she finds a sign that may be a huge clue.

Only problem is...

She needs to be able to read Chinese to decipher it.

Sidney wouldn't have been able to see the conclusion to this coming even if she had been able to see three years into the future, not just three seconds.

If Sidney Stone thought her life was already complicated then she has no idea how much more complicated it's about to get.

The SIXTH Day: A Sidney Stone - Private Investigator (Paranormal) Mystery Book 6
Book 6 · Feb 2021 ·
An unexpected visit from a not-quite-a-friend sends Sidney Stone halfway around the world...

Sidney Stone has never been one to back down from a challenge, especially when that challenge is finding her lost love, Harry.

After months of dead-end searching, a request from someone she wished to never see again uncovers a hidden clue.

But, the clue leads her to a small village in Yemen. Would she really travel so far to find what she lost?

Of course she would.

And during her long, long trek to the Middle East, a desperate woman's plea puts Sidney onto another case which turns out to be a lot more dangerous than she first realized.

Will Sidney be able to solve her clients case safely so that she is able to be reunited with Harry and live happily ever after?