Bending Justice

Latest release: June 3, 2022

About this ebook series

Kay Havelin just landed her first job as an attorney with a prominent New Orleans law firm, but standing in the way of her dream life and career is her abusive, addict boyfriend, Casey Young.

After offering to help him through rehab, things get tense and she ends the relationship. But when Casey is found dead a week later, she is called to defend the one person who refused to help her, Casey’s oldest friend and dealer, Markus Finch.

Officer Reese Milo is called to the case after suffering an injury he’s only recently recovered from, and his suspicions arise when his old mentor accuses Kay of lying to put him away. Reese ignores the accusations but in the course of finding out the truth, he becomes more convinced that the old man might not be lying after all.

Is Kay Havelin capable of murder? Or is the old man’s accusation his last shot at revenge? Should Reese trust the man who raised him, or put his faith in a woman whose past is much darker than his own?

Book 1 · Jan 2022 ·
Kay Havelin just landed her first job as an attorney with a prominent New Orleans law firm, but standing in the way of her dream life and career is her abusive, addict boyfriend, Casey Young.

After offering to help him through rehab, things get tense and she ends the relationship. But when Casey is found dead a week later, she is called to defend the one person who refused to help her, Casey’s oldest friend and dealer, Markus Finch.

Officer Reese Milo is called to the case after suffering an injury he’s only recently recovered from, and his suspicions arise when his old mentor accuses Kay of lying to put him away. Reese ignores the accusations but in the course of finding out the truth, he becomes more convinced that the old man might not be lying after all.

Is Kay Havelin capable of murder? Or is the old man’s accusation his last shot at revenge? Should Reese trust the man who raised him, or put his faith in a woman whose past is much darker than his own?

Book 2 · Jan 2022 ·
Attorney Kay Havelin takes on the first major solo case of her career, defending a man accused of murdering his wife. But someone is trying to intimidate her, and a string of personal attacks shake up her world. Kay has to figure out who is out to get her before everything she's worked for gets destroyed.

Police officer Reese Milo suspects Kay Havelin is hiding something sinister. Her name keeps popping up in murder investigations and Milo needs to find out why. But he's been warned to leave the fiery attorney alone, so he'll have to figure out her secrets quickly or risk losing his badge.

Book 3 · Feb 2022 ·
After barely surviving the attempt on her life, up and coming attorney Kay Havelin prepares for the most important murder trial of her career. Her client is accused of brutally murdering his wife, and more women are coming forward, alleging other sadistic crimes. Win or lose, Kay plans to come out on top, but she'll have to play a dangerous game to do so.

Officer Reese Milo's investigation of Kay's client is making progress, but he's more suspicious of Kay than her client. Milo starts looking into her shady activities, but his boss makes it clear Kay Havelin is off limits. Going against his orders, he'll have to risk the job he loves if he wants to find the truth and bring the guilty to justice.

Book 4 · Mar 2022 ·
New Orleans police officer Reese Milo has been kicked out of the department, but it won't stop his investigation of the mysterious attorney, Kay Havelin. People around her end up dead or in prison, and Reese is more determined than ever to prove his suspicions about her are true, even if it takes putting everything on the line, including his life.

Kay Havelin is prepping for the biggest case of her career, but her law partner is pressuring her into giving him control so he can protect her. But when she discovers his dark secret, will it be too much for her to handle, or will a new plot for revenge come sooner than she thought?

Book 5 · Mar 2022 ·
After a deadly bombing puts the department in the spotlight, Reese struggles to keep his case together. So, when a call to the DA scores a point for Kay Havelin, Reese is more determined than ever not to give up. Even if it means putting all of his cards on the table, and a target on his back.
Book 6 · Apr 2022 ·
People keep dying around the mysterious attorney, Kay Havelin, and New Orleans police officer Reese Milo will risk his job and his life to find out why. All the evidence is coming together, but Officer Milo won't like where it points.

Fighting a war on all fronts, the cracks are starting to show in Kay Havelin's carefully laid plans. As her world falls apart, she'll have to avoid getting buried in the wreckage.