Myths of Stone

Latest release: October 22, 2019

About this audiobook series

The gods are funny . . . except when you piss them off. Then they suck. They really, really suck. Alexander Weiss discovers this tidbit when he inadvertently insults Athena, Goddess of Wisdom, and she casts him away on a forgotten isle filled with statues. Being marooned is bad enough, but the fact that the island is also the home of Euryale, elder sister to Medusa, makes the situation a touch worse. The only thing keeping Alex from being petrified is the fact that Euryale has taken a liking to the blundering mortal. For now. What follows next is a wild, adventurous tale filled with heroes, gods, monsters, love, and war that is nothing short of legendary.
The Gorgon Bride
Book 1 · Oct 2018 ·
The gods are funny . . . except when you piss them off. Then they suck. They really, really suck. Alexander Weiss discovers this tidbit when he inadvertently insults Athena, Goddess of Wisdom, and she casts him away on a forgotten isle filled with statues. Being marooned is bad enough, but the fact that the island is also the home of Euryale, elder sister to Medusa, makes the situation a touch worse. The only thing keeping Alex from being petrified is the fact that Euryale has taken a liking to the blundering mortal. For now. What follows next is a wild, adventurous tale filled with heroes, gods, monsters, love, and war that is nothing short of legendary.
Rise of the Gorgon
Book 2 · Oct 2019 ·
BEING IMMORTAL IS GREAT. Except when you're an outcast. Then it sucks. It really, really sucks. (Really). Euryale, sister of Medusa, longs to be accepted, but no matter what she does, all she gets is more of the same: heroes who want to kill her; strangers who want to manipulate her; and gods who want to torment her. But there's only so much a gorgon can take. So when Euryale finally snaps and seeks vengeance, she discovers an ancient being who offers her a way to bring all of her enemies to their knees-if she's willing to pay a hefty price. And for a girl who's shunned by all, what's one more curse to bear? Rise of the Gorgon is the wild, adventurous sequel to The Gorgon Bride, but is also a perfect jumping-on point for new listeners.