Creepy Hollow

Latest release: March 6, 2018

About this audiobook series

Protecting humans from dangerous magical creatures is all in a day's work for a faerie training to be a guardian. Seventeen-year-old Violet Fairdale knows this better than anyone-she's about to become the best guardian the Guild has seen in years. That is, until a cute human boy who can somehow see through her faerie glamour follows her into the fae realm. Now she's broken Guild Law, a crime that could lead to her expulsion. The last thing Vi wants to do is spend any more time with the boy who got her into this mess, but the Guild requires that she return Nate to his home and make him forget everything he's discovered of the fae realm. Easy, right? Not when you factor in evil faeries, long-lost family members, and inconvenient feelings of the romantic kind. Vi is about to find herself tangled up in a dangerous plot-and it'll take all her training to get out of it alive.
The Faerie Guardian
Book 1 · Mar 2015 ·
Protecting humans from dangerous magical creatures is all in a day's work for a faerie training to be a guardian. Seventeen-year-old Violet Fairdale knows this better than anyone-she's about to become the best guardian the Guild has seen in years. That is, until a cute human boy who can somehow see through her faerie glamour follows her into the fae realm. Now she's broken Guild Law, a crime that could lead to her expulsion. The last thing Vi wants to do is spend any more time with the boy who got her into this mess, but the Guild requires that she return Nate to his home and make him forget everything he's discovered of the fae realm. Easy, right? Not when you factor in evil faeries, long-lost family members, and inconvenient feelings of the romantic kind. Vi is about to find herself tangled up in a dangerous plot-and it'll take all her training to get out of it alive.
The Faerie Prince
Book 2 · Apr 2015 ·
Guardian trainee Violet Fairdale is just weeks away from one of the most important occasions of her life: graduation. After messing up big time by bringing a human into the fae realm, Vi needs to step up her game and forget about Nate if she hopes to graduate as the top guardian of her year. Everything would be fine if she wasn't forced to partner with Ryn, her ex-friend, ex-enemy, and current "sort of friend." They might be trying to patch up their relationship, but does she really want to spend a week undercover with him for their final assignment? On top of that, the possibly insane Unseelie Prince is still on the loose, free to "collect" as many specially talented faeries as he can find-and Vi is still at the top of his list. Add in faerie queens, enchanted storms, complicated not-just-friends feelings, and a murder within the Guild itself, and graduation is about to become the least of Vi's problems.
The Faerie War
Book 3 · May 2015 ·
Violet Fairdale is in big trouble. Her home is gone, her beloved forest lies in ruins, the guy she gave her heart to has deserted her-and she doesn't remember any of it. The powerful Lord Draven is taking over, brainwashing guardians into fighting for him. No one is safe from the evil spreading throughout the fae world. As alliances are forged between the remaining free fae, Vi struggles to reclaim her identity and figure out where she belongs in this new world. When someone from her past shows up, life gets even more complicated. He brings with him a long-forgotten weapon and an ancient prophecy that places Vi at the center of the fight against Draven. With the future of the fae world at stake, can Vi carry out the prophecy's instructions before it's too late?
A Faerie's Secret
Book 4 · Feb 2016 ·
Calla Larkenwood wants nothing more than to be a guardian, but her overprotective mother has never allowed it. Battling fae creatures is too dangerous a job for a young girl, and there's that pesky magical ability she needs to keep hidden from the Guild. How can she do that if she's working right under their nose? When circumstances change and Calla finally gets to follow her dream, she discovers that guardian trainee life isn't all she hoped it would be. Her classmates are distant, her mentor hates her, and keeping her ability a secret is harder than she thought. Then an Underground initiation game goes wrong, landing Calla with a new magical ability she can't control. She needs help, and the only way to get it is by bargaining with the guy who just discovered her biggest secret.
A Faerie's Revenge
Book 5 · Mar 2016 ·
Still reeling from a shocking revelation, guardian trainee Calla Larkenwood finds the threads of her world unraveling further when she's accused of a horrifying crime she didn't commit. A deadly magical disease has entered the Guild, threatening to wipe out every guardian, and someone is intent on framing Calla for it. With the Guild Council focusing their investigation on her instead of searching for the real criminal, Calla watches her dream of becoming a guardian rapidly slipping away. Time is running out. As the lines between good and bad, right and wrong, begin to blur, whom can she turn to for help?
A Faerie's Curse
Book 6 · Aug 2016 ·
On the run from the Guild of Guardians, Calla Larkenwood and her team of fellow outlaws plan a daring rescue operation into the Seelie Court itself. As if that isn't enough to keep them busy, the power-hungry Princess Angelica has begun preparations for a horrifying prophesied spell that will forever change both the magic and non-magic realms. When Calla is blindsided by an unspeakable tragedy before the rescue can be carried out, she struggles to remain focused on her mission. She believes she's reached her lowest point, until a witch reveals the final blow: She has cursed Calla's magic. With time running out, can Calla save the one she loves and stop the prophecy from being carried out before the curse claims her life?
Glass Faerie
Book 7 · Sep 2017 ·
Emerson Clarke: Sarcastic. Independent. Possibly losing her mind. Because that's the only explanation for why she occasionally sees things that aren't there, right? But one night, an impossible power erupts from her, and Em realizes the truth is crazier than she ever thought: she isn't losing her mind; she's magical. Thrown into an entirely new world of faeries, enchantments-and the annoying guy from down the road who, it turns out, isn't human either-Em barely has time to learn even the most basic of magic before another startling truth reveals itself: she has a Griffin Ability. A special kind of magic feared by most fae. Now she's at the top of everyone's most-wanted list-including the mysterious glass faerie carrying out random attacks on fae. In this magical and terrifying world that she's entirely unprepared for, Em must try to figure out who she really is, whom to trust, and how to stay alive long enough to get back to her normal life.
Shadow Faerie
Book 8 · Jan 2018 ·
Emerson Clarke thought magic might solve all her problems. Turns out, magic only made her life more complicated. Her sick mother is in a worse position than before, and Em just made a risky deal with an Unseelie prince: he will heal her mother if Em agrees to the ultimate alliance-marriage. With the possibility of finally getting the one thing she's always wanted, Em enters the dangerous world of the Unseelie Court. She'll learn whatever she has to about magic and etiquette in order to fake her way through palace life until Prince Roarke fulfills his side of the bargain. But when someone unexpected shows up, bringing to light the secrets Roarke and his family are keeping from her, Em's plans begin to unravel. She'll soon have to decide once and for all: how far is she willing to go to save her mother?
Rebel Faerie
Book 9 · Mar 2018 ·
The fae world's biggest secret has been revealed . . . Having escaped an Unseelie prince and a world of shadows, Emerson and Calla are now hunted by the Guild of Guardians. On the run, constantly trying to remain one step ahead, they must figure out how to find and rescue everyone the Guild has taken from them. Then, in an unprecedented move, Unseelie Prince Roarke breaks the fae realm's most important rule. Now two worlds stand on the brink of war. Caught in the middle between guardians and Prince Roarke's forces, Em knows her Griffin Ability is powerful enough to stop them both. But as she masters control of her unique magic, Em is confronted with a question: how far is too far when you possess the kind of power she was born with? Can she step back from the line that shouldn't be crossed, or will she end up losing herself before finding those she loves?