Waldo Rabbit

Latest release: August 3, 2021

About this audiobook series

The (Sort of) Dark Mage is the story of a young man named Waldo who grows up in a world where monsters, the undead, and dark magic are a part of everyday life. He is forced to go on a journey to prove himself, and soon discovers that his beliefs don't fit into the wider world.
The (sort of) Dark Mage
Book 1 · Mar 2017 ·
The (Sort of) Dark Mage is the story of a young man named Waldo who grows up in a world where monsters, the undead, and dark magic are a part of everyday life. He is forced to go on a journey to prove himself, and soon discovers that his beliefs don't fit into the wider world.
After The Rabbit
Book 2 · Apr 2017 ·
Waldo Rabbit is back! Waldo and Alice continue on their quest, now accompanied by the ogre Gronk. They are headed to Norwich, where they hope to find the third monster that will be Waldo's last familiar. But things are never as simple as they seem. An archlich, White Mage, and murderous rabbits all stand in the way. Yes, that's right, the murderous flesh eating rabbits make their appearance! Waldo is both the hunter and the hunted. Can he find his last familiar before his enemies find him? It looks like everyone is after the rabbit.
The Rabbit Great and Terrible
Book 3 · Jun 2018 ·
Torikai is the Golden City, the City of Ruin and Fortune, and a place where you can find almost anything . . . for the right price. Waldo and company arrive looking for information. What they find is a suspicious mage guild, a delusional queen, an entire city awash in greed and deception, and an old acquaintance who is very happy to see him again. Getting the information he's looking for won't be easy, but when has that ever stopped Waldo? The Great Rabbit has come to Torikai, and the Golden City will never be the same!
The Rabbit Who Lived
Book 4 · Oct 2019 ·
Waldo's on the run again. He escapes Melissa's grasp but is marked by her Death Seal. What is there to do but keep going forward? Follow Waldo, Alice, and Gronk as they deal with spies, smugglers, and giant monsters. Meanwhile, Melissa has problems of her own back in Torikai. While in the land of Dark Mages Lilith begins putting her plans into action. Waldo finds himself in a port city with no one willing to take him and his party where he needs to go. Just what will he have to do to get passage? If you're desperate enough you can always find someone willing to make a deal. Waldo may be down but he's not out. And we all know there's nothing more ferocious and terrifying than a desperate rabbit!
Rabbit the Barbarian
Book 5 · Aug 2021 ·
At last! Waldo, Alice, and Gronk have arrived at World's End and located a dragon! What once seemed absolutely impossible is now nearly within reach. With determination to get either a dragon's egg or a dragon Waldo sets out. He is soon face to face with the red dragon Luna and she is . . . not quite what he expected. Waldo knew reaching his final goal would be hard, but the obstacles prove to be rather unique. But when has that ever stopped Waldo? Meanwhile, back in Alteroth, Lilith Corpselover is going to war! It is the opening engagement of what will be the largest war in two thousand years. The Dark Powers might show her enemies mercy, but Lilith certainly won't. Plus, there's a kidnapped princess in need of rescue! Because of course there is! This is a fantasy series after all and we haven't done one of those yet. How does an imprisoned princess relate to Waldo's efforts to land a dragon's egg or dragon? There's only one way to find out.