
Latest release: July 27, 2010

About this audiobook series

Every morning, Judy measures Stink, and it's always the same: 3 feet, 8 inches tall. Stink feels like even the class newt is growing faster than he is. Then one day, the ruler reads--3 feet, 7 and three-quarter inches! Can it be? Is Stink shrinking? Stink tries everything to look like he's growing, but wearing up-and-down stripes and spiking his hair don't seem to be fooling anybody into thinking he's taller. What would James Madison, Stink's hero (and the shortest person to ever serve as President of the United States) do?
Stink: The Incredible Shrinking Kid
Book 1 · Apr 2005 ·
Every morning, Judy measures Stink, and it's always the same: 3 feet, 8 inches tall. Stink feels like even the class newt is growing faster than he is. Then one day, the ruler reads--3 feet, 7 and three-quarter inches! Can it be? Is Stink shrinking? Stink tries everything to look like he's growing, but wearing up-and-down stripes and spiking his hair don't seem to be fooling anybody into thinking he's taller. What would James Madison, Stink's hero (and the shortest person to ever serve as President of the United States) do?
Stink and the Incredible Super-Galactic Jawbreaker
Book 2 · Apr 2006 ·
Spurred by a newfound awareness of false advertising, Stink Moody becomes the proverbial kid in a candy store as his letter-writing campaign yields him heaps of free rewards.

When Stink buys a mammoth jawbreaker that doesn't break his jaw, he writes a letter of complaint to the manufacturer — and receives a ten-pound box of 21,280 jawbreakers for his trouble! This unexpected benefit of acing the art of letter-writing in school sure gets Stink thinking. Soon Stink is so preoccupied with getting free stuff sent to him that he overlooks a scribbly envelope in the mail pile — until his best friend, Webster, starts acting standoffish and looks as mad as a hornet.

In this hilarious episode from Megan McDonald and Peter H. Reynolds, Judy Moody's shorter sibling truly comes into his own. As a delightful bonus for both teachers and kids, thirty-six common idioms — from "two heads are better than one" to "a leopard can’t change its spots" — are sprinkled throughout the story; seven of the idioms are humorously illustrated by Stink, and all are listed at the end to inspire a search for idioms that’s more fun than a barrel of monkeys.
Stink and the World's Worst Super-Stinky Sneakers (Book #3)
Book 3 · Mar 2008 ·
Follow your nose to a hilarious Stink-fest no kid will want to miss!

Stink Moody’s class is going on a field trip to the Gross-Me-Out exhibit at the science museum, and he can’t wait to see the Vomit Machine, the Burp-O-Meter, and the Musical Farts. Best of all, when he gets to the Everybody Stinks exhibit, Stink discovers that his very own nose has amazing sniffing abilities — and he learns that some people have real jobs sniffing stuff for NASA! Soon the junior olfactory wiz is engrossed in toilet water, corpse flowers, and all things smelly, and he and Sophie of the Elves are set to go toe-to-toe in a stinky sneaker contest. Will Stink’s fetid footwear be foul enough to earn him a Golden Clothespin Award? Stink’s loyal fans will be holding their breath for his latest outrageous solo adventure.
Stink and the Great Guinea Pig Express (Book #4)
Book 4 · Mar 2008 ·
"Fans of Judy Moody and her brother, Stink, will find everything they love here — friendships, riddles, adventure, and animals." — Kirkus Reviews

When three guinea pigs from the local pet shop make a great escape, Stink Moody and his friends Webster and Sophie spring into action. Ta-da! The Fantastic Fur Friends round up the little hairballs and bring them safely back to Mrs. Birdwistle’s shop, where they discover — oohla- la! — guinea pig pandemonium! Time for the Great Guinea Pig Giveaway! Stink and company hit the road aboard the Squeals on Wheels Express in a crazy quest to find good homes for 101 squealing, whistling, chirping, wiggly piggies. FUR-eaky!
Stink: Solar System Superhero (Book #5)
Book 5 · Jul 2010 ·
When Stink learns that Pluto has flunked the Planet Test for being too shrimpy, he has no choice but to take a stand for the sake of little planets (and little people) everywhere.

Will our humble hero, Stink Moody, be smart enough to defeat a panel of big-shot scientists and class  know-it-all Riley Rottenberger? For the answer to this burning question, tune in and prepare to have your universe rocked!

Stink and the Incredible Super-Galactic Jawbreaker
“Clever and zany. . . . A hilarious read-aloud.”—School Library Journal

Stink and the Great Guinea Pig Express
“Fans of Judy Moody and her brother, Stink, will find everything they love here.”—Kirkus Reviews