Beginner's Guide to Necromancy

Latest release: October 31, 2020

About this audiobook series

Grier Woolworth spends her nights weaving spooky tales of lost souls and tragedies for tourists on the streets of downtown Savannah. Hoop skirt and parasol aside, it's not a bad gig. The pay is crap, but the tips keep the lights on in her personal haunted mansion and her pantry stocked with ramen. Life is about as normal as it gets for an ex-necromancer hiding among humans. Until the society that excommunicated Grier offers her a second chance at being more than ordinary. Too bad no one warned her the trouble with being extraordinary is it can get you killed. Contains mature themes.
How to Save an Undead Life
Book 1 · Jul 2018 ·
Grier Woolworth spends her nights weaving spooky tales of lost souls and tragedies for tourists on the streets of downtown Savannah. Hoop skirt and parasol aside, it's not a bad gig. The pay is crap, but the tips keep the lights on in her personal haunted mansion and her pantry stocked with ramen. Life is about as normal as it gets for an ex-necromancer hiding among humans. Until the society that excommunicated Grier offers her a second chance at being more than ordinary. Too bad no one warned her the trouble with being extraordinary is it can get you killed. Contains mature themes.
How to Claim an Undead Soul
Book 2 · Aug 2018 ·
Life was simpler for Grier when she was flat broke and a social pariah. Now she's carrying the baggage that goes along with the title of Dame Woolworth, and shouldering that weight is giving her a serious crick in the neck. Her work as a Haint is the one thing that makes her feel normal, but even that's more paranormal than usual. Spirits are vanishing from well-known hot spots on the ghost tour circuit, and vampires are turning up as shriveled husks. Grier takes it upon herself to uncover what's preying on Savannah's supernatural community, and what she uncovers is bigger than a few flickering lampposts gone dark. It's a deadly threat unleashed by one of their own, and saving her city just might kill her. Contains mature themes.
How to Break an Undead Heart
Book 3 · Sep 2018 ·
Grier finally has the one thing she's always wanted: Boaz Pritchard. Too bad her dream boyfriend is keeping her up nights, just not in a sweaty or fun way. Boaz has dialed down the Southern charm and stopped returning her calls. His job forces him to keep secrets, but his radio silence is cranking up her suspicions. He's a shameless flirt, but he's her shameless flirt . . . right? Soon an attack on Woolworth House leaves her with bigger problems than he loves me, he loves me not. Vampires are on the prowl, and they aren't the only predators circling. A new threat has emerged, one with blood rights to Grier. With enemies closing in on all sides, she must choose her allies, and the decision could make or break her . . . and her heart. Contains mature themes.
How to Dance an Undead Waltz
Book 4 · Oct 2018 ·
Grier is nursing a broken heart after Boaz announced his engagement to another woman, but life goes on. Or it would if vampire assassins would stop taking pot shots at her every time she leaves Woolworth House. Seriously, who sends archers to deliver murdergrams these days? To protect herself, Grier must pull out all the stops, even if it means revealing her darkest secret. All eyes are on her, and-for the first time-she begins to understand why Linus wears so many masks. But the target isn't Grier, and when the archers single him out, it feels like one of their arrows might have struck what remains of her heart. Contains mature themes.
How to Live an Undead Lie
Book 5 · Apr 2019 ·
When a fledgling vampire arrives at Woolworth House searching for his maker, Grier is forced to relive her time in Atramentous. Most of those years are as dark and empty in her memory as she was in her cell. She can't remember her progeny, or the night she resuscitated him, but she can protect him from the Society. As long as she's willing to barter with her grandfather to do it. But Lacroix has plans of his own. He envisions the city-her city-under his rule, and Grier under his thumb. Now all he needs is the right leverage to force her cooperation, and he has just the person in mind. Grier is ready to trade her freedom until a grim truth is revealed that splits her heart in two. Yet another person she loves has betrayed her, and Grier is left agonizing over how much of their relationship is real and how much was a lie. Contains mature themes.
How to Wake an Undead City
Book 6 · Jun 2019 ·
Hailey Edwards presents Book 6 in the Beginner's Guide to Necromancy series. Contains mature themes.
The Epilogues: How to Kiss an Undead Bride
Book 7 · Mar 2020 ·
Groom? Check. Dress? Check. Cake? Check. More cake? Double Check. Even more cake? Triple check. (Seriously, who left Lethe alone with Grier's credit card?) Anything that can go wrong has,but all the deposits have been paid, and the menus are set. Mostly. There's always room for more cake, right? All that's left is for Grier and Linus to exchange vows and set off on their honeymoon. Their happily ever after awaits, so close they can taste it. No. Wait. That's probably just more cake. Frosting gets everywhere. Anyway, there's also murder, arson, and general mayhem. This is what happens when two potentates marry. Just cross your fingers they survive exchanging vows, and that the knot they tie doesn't turn into a noose. Contains mature themes.
The Epilogues: Part II: How to Survive an Undead Honeymoon
Book 8 · Aug 2020 ·
Nothing says romance like spending a long weekend at a haunted inn famed for sending its guests to the ER with scratches, bites, and fractures. Or so Linus thinks when he books a trip for Grier and himself to Oliphant House. As far as honeymoons go, the choice is nontraditional, but then, so is his bride. Haunted history is one of Grier's great loves, and she's thrilled to discover Linus has given her a mystery to solve. Forget walks on moonlit beaches and sipping fruity drinks, Grier would much rather unravel the curse that's plagued the Oliphant family for generations than pick sand from between her toes. The resident spooks, however, aren't happy with the newlyweds sticking their noses where they don't belong. Between the missing persons, the dead bodies, and the secrets lurking in the basement, Linus and Grier start to wonder if they'll survive their honeymoon. Contains mature themes.
The Epilogues: Part III: How to Rattle an Undead Couple
Book 9 · Oct 2020 ·
Life is full of surprises. Motherhood, in particular, holds the power to shock and awe. Especially when your bundle of joy is . . . not quite what you expected. Contains mature themes.