Bring the Classics to Life

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最新作: 2011年7月1日

このオーディオブック シリーズについて

This audio classic novel has been carefully abridged and adapted into 10 short easy to understand chapters. This format enables listeners of all ages and English language abilities to understand and enjoy the story. Composition includes original custom back ground music.
The War of the Worlds
1 巻 · 2011年7月 ·
This audio classic novel has been carefully abridged and adapted into 10 short easy to understand chapters. This format enables listeners of all ages and English language abilities to understand and enjoy the story. Composition includes original custom back ground music.
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
1 巻 · 2011年7月 ·
This audio classic novel has been carefully abridged and adapted into 10 short easy to understand chapters. This format enables listeners of all ages and English language abilities to understand and enjoy the story. Composition includes original custom back ground music.
Little Women: Level 1
3 巻 · 2011年7月 ·

This novel chronicles part of the lives of the four March sisters during the Civil War. The story starts as the sisters reminisce about past days when times were more abundant and affluent, then follows them in the years ahead as they become more mature and face both good and bad times in their lives.

This classic novel has been carefully abridged and adapted into 10 easy-to-understand chapters.

©2008 EDCON Publishing Group, Inc. (P)2008 EDCON Publishing Group, Inc.

The Pathfinder
3 巻 · 2011年7月 ·
This audio classic novel has been carefully abridged and adapted into 10 short easy to understand chapters. This format enables listeners of all ages and English language abilities to understand and enjoy the story. Composition includes original custom back ground music.
Swiss Family Robinson: Level 1
4 巻 · 2011年7月 ·

This novel is about a family from Switzerland who become shipwrecked on a tropical island and are forced to become resourceful in order to survive and adapt to a solitary family life removed from general civilization.

This classic novel has been carefully abridged and adapted into 10 easy-to-understand chapters.

©2008 EDCON Publishing Group, Inc. (P)2008 EDCON Publishing Group, Inc.

The Pioneers
4 巻 · 2011年7月 ·
This audio classic novel has been carefully abridged and adapted into 10 short easy to understand chapters. This format enables listeners of all ages and English language abilities to understand and enjoy the story. Composition includes original custom back ground music.
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: Level 1
5 巻 · 2011年7月 ·

This novel is about the adventurous boy Huck and his friend Jim, who venture down the Mississippi River on a raft.

This audio classic novel has been carefully abridged and adapted into 10 short easy to understand chapters. This format enables listeners of all ages and English language abilities to understand and enjoy the story. Composition includes original custom back ground music.

Heidi: Level 1
7 巻 · 2011年7月 ·
This audio classic novel has been carefully abridged and adapted into 10 short easy to understand chapters. This format enables listeners of all ages and English language abilities to understand and enjoy the story. Composition includes original custom back ground music.
The Jungle Book: Level 1
9 巻 · 2011年7月 ·

This fictional novel is about a boy named Mowgli who is an abandoned human taken in and raised by wolves.

There is a struggle among the animals as whether to encourage the child to go back to his own civilization of humankind or to stay and live in the jungle.

A Christmas Carol: Level 1
10 巻 · 2011年7月 ·

This novel is about a man known as Scrooge who greedy. He is visited by spirits that show him the past the present and the future. This enlightenment causes Scrooge to realize that he must change his ways and so he becomes a better person.

This audio classic novel has been carefully abridged and adapted into 10 short easy to understand chapters. This format enables listeners of all ages and English language abilities to understand and enjoy the story. Composition includes original custom back ground music.

Black Beauty: Level 2
11 巻 · 2011年7月 ·

This audiobook is about the life of a beautiful horse as a colt, adult, and retired animal and addresses issues horses had to deal with in regards to being used to pull carriages for money making and about the fair and kind treatment of animals used by people.

This audio classic novel has been carefully abridged and adapted into 10 short easy to understand chapters. This format enables listeners of all ages and English language abilities to understand and enjoy the story. Composition includes original custom back ground music.

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer: Level 2
12 巻 · 2011年7月 ·

This audiobook is about a boy named Tom who gets into trouble but is also very clever. Tom is adventurous. Tom and some of his friends sneak away to an island while folks back home look for them.

This audio classic novel has been carefully abridged and adapted into 10 short easy to understand chapters. This format enables listeners of all ages and English language abilities to understand and enjoy the story. Composition includes original custom back ground music.

The Call of the Wild: Level 2
13 巻 · 2011年7月 ·

This animal fiction audiobook is about a dog that is taken from his owner and sold for use in extracting gold from mines. Buck the dog is traded among a few different people until finally being appreciated and given refuge by a kind person.

This audio classic novel has been carefully abridged and adapted into 10 short easy to understand chapters. This format enables listeners of all ages and English language abilities to understand and enjoy the story. Composition includes original custom back ground music.

The Man Without a Country
17 巻 · 2011年7月 ·

This audio-book is about a lieutenant in the US Navy who renounces his loyalty in front of a judge and is sentenced to live out his years on naval ships and to never be informed about his country again since he said he never wants to hear about it in front of the judge. This becomes extremely difficult for him, and he ultimately becomes very patriotic.

This audio classic novel has been carefully abridged and adapted into 10 short easy to understand chapters. This format enables listeners of all ages and English language abilities to understand and enjoy the story. Composition includes original custom back ground music.

Silas Marner: Level 2
19 巻 · 2011年7月 ·

Silas Marner, a weaver, is a good man but he is mistaken for a thief who stole donations at his church. He moves to the city and begins his new life weaving and saving gold which is then stolen.

A forlorn child comes into his life and his life improves dramatically after suffering much sadness and loneliness.

This classic novel has been abridged and adapted into 10 easy-to-understand chapters.

Around the World in 80 Days: Level 2
20 巻 · 2011年7月 ·

After learning of a new rail line in India, Phileas Fogg wagers a bet that he can travel the world in 80 days.

He takes off on this journey with Monsieur Passepartout. They are followed by an inspector aboard a ship and beyond. The rail line in India ends earlier than was reported so they hire an elephant for the 50-mile gap during which they rescue a young women even though it slows them down.

They encounter many exciting and frustrating events in far flung cities around the world such as Hong Kong, Shanghai, and San Francisco, and New York.

This classic novel has been abridged and adapted into 10 easy-to-understand chapters.

Robinson Crusoe: Level 3
21 巻 · 2011年7月 ·

Crusoe, a dog, and two cats survive shipwreck and find themselves on a small island. He adapts to his new surroundings with creativity and perseverance.

Several years pass and he manages to befriend a prisoner from the island. Crusoe eventually makes it off of the island though his family believes him already dead.

This audio classic novel has been carefully abridged and adapted into 10 short, easy-to-understand chapters. This format enables listeners of all ages and English language abilities to understand and enjoy the story. Composition includes original custom background music.

This adventure tale is appropriate for children and adults.

Red Badge of Courage: Level 3
22 巻 · 2011年7月 ·

This classic novel is the fictional story about Henry Fleming who was a soldier in the Union Army during the American Civil War in the late 1800s.

Initially Henry runs from the fight but is later consumed with shame and wishes to be wounded. Though he does receive a minor wound not from the enemy, he manages to return to the fight against the Confederate Army of the south and does act as a flag bearer during another skirmish.

This audio classic novel has been carefully abridged and adapted into 10 short easy to understand chapters. This format enables listeners of all ages and English language abilities to understand and enjoy the story. Composition includes original custom back ground music.

Kidnapped: Level 3
23 巻 · 2011年7月 ·

David Balfour discovers that his uncle is not the oldest son but that his father was actually the eldest and that he then is the rightful heir of his father's estate. His uncle is miserly and deceitful and after failing to have David fall off an unfinished staircase, he then arranges to have him kidnapped. David has a long and treacherous voyage on the boat he was taken by.

After crashing upon an island, he survives and ultimately makes his way back to his uncle's house. David and his uncle's lawyer trick the uncle into confessing he had David kidnapped and David manages to receive income from his father's estate.

Historical background: By the year 1751, Scotland had become one with England. Some of the people from the highlands of Scotland were unhappy. They wanted their own Stuart line of kings to rule, so they fought against England. The Highlanders were punished by the English king. The way of life of the Highland people: their clan ownership of lands, their dress, and even their bagpipe music, was being taken away by law.

Scotland could not stand together against what was really ruled by England. The Lowland people of Scotland did not feel the same as the Highlanders. And there was fighting among the clans. The Highlanders and the family of the Stuart kings did not win. This is only a small part of history behind the setting of Robert Louis Stevenson's classic Kidnapped. It is also interesting to note that the last name of the young man in the book, Balfour, was Stevenson's mother's family name.

This audio classic novel has been carefully abridged and adapted into 10 short, easy to understand chapters. This format enables listeners of all ages and English language abilities to understand and enjoy the story. Composition includes original custom background music.

This adventure tale is appropriate for children and adults.

Sea Wolf: Level 3
27 巻 · 2011年7月 ·

A man is rescued at sea by the overbearing captain of a hunting schooner. Initially, the captain treats the survivor with a reasonable amount of dignity, unlike how he treats the rest of the crew. Later, another survivor is brought aboard and is a woman and the two survivors eventually escape the ship and find themselves on an island of seals.

The captain's brother takes vengeance on the captain for prior misdeeds and the captain soon finds himself on adrift only to land on Seal Island as well, without any crew and a broken vessel. The two survivors take pity on the captain though the captain wants none. The captain's health issues overcome him and still he is cared for. Eventually, he dies, and the two others sail off on the repaired ship.

This audio classic novel has been carefully abridged and adapted into 10 short easy to understand chapters. This format enables listeners of all ages and English language abilities to understand and enjoy the story. Composition includes original custom back ground music.